A valued, home-grown staff member from Cootamundra Hospital has been recognised at Murrumbidgee Local Health District’s 2023 Excellence Awards. Bianca Jones is a Registered Nurse and Midwife at Cootamundra Hospital and was a finalist in the Nurse or Midwife of the Year category.
Bianca Jones
Bianca was nominated by Acting Facility Manager, Anne Phillips and Clinical Nurse Educator, Sheridan Webb.
“I nominated Bianca because she is the perfect example of a rural nurse, and a great example of what can be achieved when we ‘grow our own’ local workforce,” said Anne.
“There is nothing Bianca can’t do. She’s not only got the clinical skills, she’s compassionate, caring, respectful and responsible. She’ll make a great leader one day.”
Bianca has worked at Cootamundra Hospital for 15 years. She initially moved to Cootamundra to study Enrolled Nursing, before going to become a Registered Nurse and Midwife.
“As a Registered Nurse I work in the emergency department, on the wards, and in theatre. I’m also a Registered Midwife so I work in maternity as well. You never quite know where I’m going to show up! I go where I’m needed,” said Bianca.
Bianca was both surprised and humbled by her award nomination.
“It’s lovely to be recognised. I didn’t realise that all the work and little things I do have so much impact on others. Since being nominated people have been coming to me and telling me about positive things I have done that have impacted them, so that’s been really nice to hear,” said Bianca.
“There are lots of things I love about my job. My team that I work with, I wouldn’t be where I am if it wasn’t for them.
Bianca Jones with newborn baby
“Maternity-wise, working with the women and being able to provide this service to our small community. I’m pretty passionate about keeping the service going and working together with my team to make that happen.
“I’m inspired by my community, and making sure that we can access good healthcare if needed. And you know most of the people coming in, which is also nice.
“The recognition has really motivated me to keep going, to be a change maker and continue to support others to achieve their goals too.”
Bianca Jones with Charmaine Savanah
Charmaine Savanah, a student midwife at Cootamundra Hospital, is thrilled to see her mentor recognised.
“Bianca has helped me so much, firstly to enrol in the Graduate Diploma of Midwifery and then supporting and encouraging me while I have been a student,” said Charmaine.
“She is an amazing nurse and midwife, and we are so lucky to have her.”
Murrumbidgee Local Health District Chief Executive Jill Ludford said the 2023 MLHD Excellence Awards attracted 84 nominations across 9 team award categories and 4 individual award categories. A gala presentation evening was held on Friday 16 June.
“The Excellence Awards celebrate the achievements of individuals and teams for their pursuit of excellence and commitment to improving the lives of others,” said Ms Ludford.
"We've seen such a diversity and high quality in the nominations this year, the judging panels really had a tough time determining the top three in each category," Ms Ludford said. “To be selected as a finalist is wonderful recognition and I congratulate Bianca on her achievement.”
Communities across the Murrumbidgee region are urged to take precautions against mosquito bites and to get vaccinated against Japanese encephalitis following recent detections of Ross River virus and Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV).
Murrumbidgee Local Health District (MLHD) staff, executive and board congratulate Chief Executive Jill Ludford on being awarded the Public Service Medal in the Australia Day Honours List.
Communities in Albury, Griffith, and surrounding areas are encouraged to take precautions against mosquito bites as NSW Health’s routine mosquito surveillance has detected Ross River virus in those regions.