“Well, first of all, my wife told me to do it,” jokes Brad, “but I also know it’s important to keep the illness and fatality rates down.”
And the fact is that influenza is far more serious than the common cold.
The flu can result in breathing difficulties and pneumonia, and in some very severe cases people can die from flu-related illness.
The flu is also highly contagious, and people with influenza can be infectious even before their symptoms begin.
Everyone aged six months and over is urged to get their influenza vaccine, and it is even more important for those at higher risk of severe illness from the virus.
To help minimise the impact of flu this year, Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District (NBMLHD) has been working with local community groups to run free flu vaccination clinics.
Jane Thomas, Acting Director of Public Health at NBMLHD says people like Brad are doing the right thing for their community, and for themselves.
"These pop-up clinics target priority groups who are at an increased risk of serious illness from the flu," says Jane, "but it is also important for everyone aged over six months to get a flu shot to reduce overall risk to the community."
"Our staff have been working hard to get the message out there and our priority groups vaccinated to help protect them from, potentially, a very serious illness."
Groups eligible for a free flu vaccine include children aged six months to under five years, people aged sixty-five and over, Aboriginal people from six months of age, pregnant people, and those with serious health conditions such as diabetes, cancer, immune disorders, obesity, severe asthma, kidney, heart, lung or liver disease.
NBMLHD has already conducted several clinics across the local area over the Autumn months, and upcoming ones include at the NAIDOC cup event at Hunter Fields in Emu Plains on 20 June (9am- 1pm), and at the NAIDOC event in Penrith’s Jamison Park on 7 July (10am – 3pm).
You can also talk to your local doctor or pharmacist about getting the flu shot, and for more information about influenza and the influenza vaccine visit www.health.nsw.gov.au/influenza