Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District Falls Clinical Nurse Consultant, Nicole Hill says physical activity, along with a healthy diet is one of the most important things people can do to stay independent as they grow older.
“Being physically and socially active, as well as eating good, nutritious food is incredibly important in helping reduce the risk of falls as we age,” says Nicole.
As humans age the muscles in our bodies can lose strength and coordination. The more active someone remains, the better chance they have of maintaining physical function.
Senior Principal Research Scientist at NeuRA and President of the Australian & New Zealand Falls Prevention Society Professor Kim Delbaere says older people benefit from regular tai chi, group exercise programs, gym sessions, community-based falls prevention programs such as Stepping On, or simple exercises at home to improve muscle strength and balance.
“Research has shown that regular exercise can reduce falls in older people by 23 per cent, but slowly building up high-challenge balance exercises can increase the effects of exercise by up to 40 per cent,” says Kim.
The Clinical Excellence Commission (CEC) has collaborated with the NSW Fall Prevention and Healthy Ageing Network to produce a range of April Falls resources for patients, families, carers and health staff and fall prevention information is available on the CEC website.
To find a local exercise group that includes balance and strength exercises, visit the NSW Active and Healthy website.