The Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District plays an integral role in the planning, delivery and management of health services across our region.
Collaboration with existing health organisations and key agencies is resulting in tangible benefits that help improve the future health outcomes of our region.
There’s truth to the saying strength in numbers.
By investing in partnerships we’re not only sharing our expertise but also welcoming the input and knowledge of others for the benefit of innovating health care services.
The strong relationship we share with our Primary Health Network (PHN) closely links us with general practice providers and integrates care to address the health needs of the community, creating efficiencies that are safe and equitable. We’ve renewed our commitment to work alongside the PHN by signing a Memorandum of Understanding to aid in the delivery of services on a range of issues and projects that will improve the overall health system.
There’s no greater example of this partnership excelling than the recent launch of Safe Haven, a mental health support initiative that is improving access to mental health care for those in crisis.
Staffed by District employees who have lived experience with mental health care, the program has been embedded within an existing PHN community service to ensure a coordinated and integrated approach to the delivery of mental health care. The joint operation has allowed our agencies to streamline how people connect to vital services and get them the help they need as soon as they require it.
As a prominent teaching organisation, NBMLHD has garnered a reputation as leaders in developing the next generation of health care clinicians.
Our alliance with key tertiary institutes including, the University of Sydney, Western Sydney University, University of Technology Sydney, TAFE Western Sydney Institute, Australian Catholic University, University of Tasmania and Notre Dame University realises the opportunity medical, nursing and allied health students have to learn from our experts and, importantly, have hands-on experience throughout their career.
Just late last year we put pen to paper on a brand-new partnership with Sydney Health Partners. With over 500 clinician researchers, and more than 450 active research projects underway at our District we have a considerable amount of knowledge to share. By aligning ourselves with like-minded and passionate organisations we not only allow ourselves to translate research into real world solutions, but also create better health outcomes for our patients.
Alone, we can always endeavour to achieve our mission to provide high-quality care to patients and consumers, but together with our partners we can achieve a far greater integrated and beneficial health care system.