Sadly, lung cancer, bowel cancer, pancreatic cancer, breast cancer and prostate cancer are projected to be the most common cause of cancer death in the district.
Dr Amanda Stevanovic, Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District Director of Cancer Services said this World Cancer Day (Sunday, 4 February) the local community is reminded to take advantage of cancer screening programs and seek help if they notice any changes to their health.
“More than 2,300 people in our district are projected to be diagnosed with some form of cancer this year, so reducing cancer’s devastating impact on our community is a key priority,” Amanda said.
“Our cancer services are among the state’s best, with our health specialists dedicated to delivering safe, world-class care to people living with and beyond cancer.
“Reducing our risk of cancer needs to be a priority and I encourage the community to speak to their GP if they’re concerned about any changes to their health and if eligible, take advantage of NSW’s breast, bowel and cervical cancer screening programs.”
NSW Chief Cancer Officer and CEO of Cancer Institute NSW Professor Tracey O’Brien said around 16,000 cases of cancer and 5,000 cancer deaths could be prevented in NSW each year if we exercise more, eat healthier foods, wear sunscreen, drink less alcohol and stop smoking.
“Few health challenges rival the complexity and urgency of this devastating disease and as a community, we need to do everything possible to support each other to lead healthier lives and seek help if we notice any changes to our health,” Professor O’Brien said.
“This World Cancer Day and beyond, I encourage everyone to take the steps needed to reduce their cancer risk and keep families healthy and together.
“Start small and keep it simple – walk or use the stairs where you can, pick a salad instead of hot chips and make a plan for healthy new habits in 2024.”
Every 10 minutes someone in NSW is diagnosed with cancer, with one person dying from the disease every half an hour. It remains the leading cause of disease death in our state, accounting for one in three deaths.
Despite these sobering statistics, NSW has some of the world’s best cancer outcomes, with 70 per cent of people in NSW surviving beyond five years of a cancer diagnosis.
As the state’s dedicated cancer control agency, the Cancer Institute NSW is leading a united approach to reduce the burden of cancer by coordinating priorities, resources and efforts across the state.
Working together with Nepean Blue MountainsLocal Health District and more than 80 organisations across government, non-government and community, the Cancer Institute NSW is focused on reducing the impact of cancer on the people of NSW and saving more lives.
Key insights from Cancer Institute NSW
- Seven in 10 people survive for five years after a cancer diagnosis. This rate was around six in 10 people 15 years ago.
- One in two people will be diagnosed with cancer by the age of 85.
- One in three cancer deaths can be prevented through healthy living.
- Three in 10 cancer cases and four in 10 deaths are from rare and less common cancers.
- Less than 40 per cent of eligible people in NSW are taking part in free bowel cancer screening.
- Close to 52 per cent of eligible people in NSW are taking part in free breast cancer screening.
- Approximately 67 per cent of eligible people in NSW are taking part in free cervical cancer screening.
For more information on cancer prevention and screening, including NSW’s breast, bowel or cervical cancer screening programs visit