Why the Registrar conducts campaigns
The Registrar conducts campaigns to inform the public about the performance of the community housing sector.
How campaigns inform the public
Campaigns from the Registrar help by:
- providing information to the community
- sharing information with other jurisdictions
- providing advice to the Minister and Homes NSW.
The Registrar fulfils these duties by publishing campaign reports and making public statements of performance.
How campaigns help
Campaigns help the sector by:
- responding to regulatory issues
- assisting other Registrars to consider adjustments to national guidance.
Campaigns also help by:
- focusing on analytical and compliance effort
- providing a snapshot of performance in the sector.
Campaigns help by focusing on the role of the Registrar
These reports highlight the Registrar’s:
- role in engagement and monitoring
- performance across the sector and guidance provided to the local jurisdiction
- providing guidance to community housing providers.