The strategic priorities in Strategy 2026 are in line with NSW Health’s strategic planning framework and recognise the importance of maintaining excellence in care in an environment of increasing demand and complexity.
Chief Executive Margaret Bennett said the plan was developed with broad engagement from staff, community members, and other stakeholders over the past 18 months.
“The community’s voice and input are essential to guiding and supporting us to deliver the best healthcare services for the local communities we serve now and in the future. I am pleased to have received comments and feedback from more than 2,200 people through this process,” Ms Bennett said.
Board Chair, Dr Allan Hawke AC, said the launch of Strategy 2026 is an exciting time for Southern NSW LHD as the region recovers from significant challenges in recent years.
“The district has demonstrated extraordinary adaptability and resilience through bushfires, floods and the COVID-19 pandemic. Strategy 2026 will ensure that we continue to provide our regional communities with the highest standard of health care,” Dr Hawke said.
Southern NSW LHD is also launching a new "We are Southern" quarterly magazine and monthly newsletter today. Community members can subscribe to the newsletter and upcoming spring magazine.
Read the Strategy 2026 Roadmap (PDF 1.47MB).