The ‘STOP the bleed – Use a LID’ initiative is based on a successful program created in the UK.
Patients, carers, paramedics and other health workers are taught how to use a bottle top lid to effectively stop a bleed until the patient can be transported to hospital for urgent review by specialist vascular surgeons.
Southern NSW LHD Renal Clinical Nurse Consultant, Pip O’Reilly, who co-hosted the ‘STOP the bleed – Use a LID’ launch at Queanbeyan Renal Unit today, said the program is being rolled out across all Renal Units in Southern NSW LHD.
Ms O’Reilly says that while very rare, bleeds from an arteriovenous fistula or graft can result in significant blood loss, and even death, without fast treatment.
“Since most life-threatening bleeds occur in the community, outside of a dialysis unit, it is vital that local patients, carers, paramedics and other health professionals know what to do,” Ms O’Reilly said.
“Southern NSW LHD and Canberra Health Service Renal Network are the first renal service in Australia to use the bottle top to manage life threating haemodialysis bleeds.
“This is a game changer for haemodialysis patients and their caregivers, giving them peace of mind that they have a quick and effective treatment ready if a bleed occurs.”
As part of the ‘STOP the bleed – Use a LID’ rollout, local haemodialysis patients and their carers have received education and resources that include an information leaflet, fridge magnet and a Dialysis Access Alert Card.
Southern NSW LHD is supplying the medical-grade lids to all those who receive training.