Southern NSW Local Health District is pleased to announce We Help Ourselves (WHOS) will provide therapeutic programs aimed at achieving recovery from alcohol and other drug dependence. WHOS will partner with Southern NSW Local Health District in the delivery of this new service for people across the District.
Local member for Goulburn Wendy Tuckerman MP praised the announcement.
“This is an exciting step forward to help people with alcohol and other drug dependence in our region. I’m looking forward to seeing the delivery of the service for the local community, as outlined in last year’s election campaign,” Ms Tuckerman said.
“WHOS is an experienced alcohol and other drug treatment service provider, with numerous residential and day rehabilitation centres across the state.”
The services will include individual and group counselling, care coordination, and referrals to other health and social services as needed.
“Clients will be connected with continuing care and other support services during their residential treatment to ensure they continue to reap the benefits and maintain health and well-being,” Ms Tuckerman said.
Individuals, family, general practitioners and other service providers will be able to refer clients to WHOS.
The site for the residential and day rehabilitation service is being negotiated now, with service delivery expected to commence in the second half of 2020-21.
This investment builds on the Government’s commitment to providing services for people struggling with substance use issues. In 2019-20 the Government provided $231.6 million for alcohol and other drug prevention, treatment and support services state-wide.