Support for rural communities
Find information about support available to people in rural and remote communities in Western NSW Local Health District (LHD).
Rural Adversity Mental Health Program (RAMHP)
The Rural Adversity Mental Health Program is operated in partnership with each of the rural NSW Local Health Districts. The program is funded by the NSW Ministry of Health and supported by Grand Pacific Health.
RAMHP coordinators
RAMHP has coordinators based across rural and remote NSW, with some covering Western NSW LHD. Their role is to inform, educate and connect individuals, communities and workplaces with appropriate services and programs.
Find our more about RAMHP
To learn more, access information about training programs and a range of downloadable resources, or to find a RAMHP coordinator in your local area, visit the RAMHP website.
Peer Navigation
Peer Navigators are located at Warren also covering Nyngan, and Coonabarabran with coverage to Coonamble. Their role is to support all community members with mental health or wellbeing concerns to find support and navigate services in their own community. To access a Peer Navigator call Warren Multipurpose Service (MPS) on (02) 6847 5400 or Coonabarabran Community Health Service on (02) 6849 1650.
Rural Response and Recovery Team
Rural Response and Recovery Peer Workers provide support to access community services, social services, and mental health services. Contact your local mental health team to see if a peer worker can help you.
Rural Youth Mental Health Service
The Rural Youth Mental Health Service (RYMH) is delivered by the Benevolent Society and offers early intervention services for young people (12-25) with, or at risk of, mental illness.
Young people can ask for support from the program themselves, or be referred by a community organisation.
Visit the Benevolent Society website or call 1800 236 762 for more information.