Written-off vehicles

Find out how to re-register a written-off light vehicle.

Flood damaged vehicles

Recent flooding has damaged many vehicles, including caravans and camper trailers.

Many of these vehicles may be assessed and declared as written-off due to a total economic loss. These vehicles may be added to the written-off vehicles register and will not be able to be re-registered for use on our roads.

Some vehicles will not be considered a total loss and won’t be entered into the register. These vehicles could be sold at auction or private sale.

We recommend you inspect any vehicle thoroughly and seek advice prior to purchase.

Owning or buying a written-off light vehicle

If you own a light vehicle that's been badly damaged or you're buying a secondhand light vehicle, here's everything you need to know about written-off light vehicles.

Re-registering a written-off light vehicle

You can only get approval to repair and re-register a written-off light vehicle in very limited circumstances. Find out if you're eligible and what to do.

Vehicles written-off interstate

How to register a light vehicle in NSW that's been written-off in another state.

Transport for NSW - Roads

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