Notice information
- Topic
- Curriculum, HSC
- Learning Area
- Creative arts, English, Languages
- Stages
- Stage 6 (Years 11 and 12)
HSC Presiding Officers will no longer be given CDs of audio files for HSC exams with a listening component (except CCAFL* courses).
HSC Presiding Officers will no longer be given CDs of audio files for HSC exams with a listening component (except CCAFL* courses). The affected courses are:
As a result, Principals are required to nominate an authorised school representative to download MP3 audio files which will replace the CDs previously provided.
The audio files will be available in Schools Online one hour prior to the relevant HSC exam.
The following information guides are available in Schools Online > Memos and Documents > Examination Operations:
Presiding Officers will continue to be provided a CD of audio files for HSC exams for the following CCAFL* courses:
CCAFL* refers to courses developed under the Collaborative Curriculum and Assessment Framework for Languages.
For more information, contact:
Katie Lau
Project Officer, Examination Support
1800 200 955