A Trade Skills Recognition (TSR) Certificate of Proficiency from the Commissioner for Vocational Training, is available by application for those who are able to demonstrate that they are adequately trained and possess current trade skills and knowledge in the vocation they are applying for.
You must provide evidence of employment in that trade and successful completion of a relevant non-apprenticeship Australian qualification. Your trade skills and training undertaken outside of a formal apprenticeship in New South Wales may be recognised and certified through the granting of a Certificate of Proficiency in a nominated NSW trade vocation.
You can do this whether you have gained your trade skills through formal training or on-the-job experience, in Australia or overseas, where you can satisfy all the eligibility criteria.
Who can apply for a Certificate of Proficiency?
Anyone who:
- is living in NSW or living in Australia and intending to work in NSW
- does not have a currently registered, approved or pending, apprenticeship training contract in NSW
- does not have a current Trade Skills Recognition (TSR) Certificate of Proficiency application in progress
- is over the age of 18.
And, can demonstrate that they are adequately trained to work in a trade, through:
- The completion of training and/or assessment in the current Australian qualification relevant to your application and issued by an identified Registered Training Organisation (RTO).
- Evidence of past employment and experience in the trade concerned with an equivalent term to the apprenticeship, and for a period working to Australian standards of operation.
Read the Preparing your application for a Trade Skills Recognition (TSR) Certificate of Proficiency page to find out more.
Information on apprenticeship trade vocations eligible for a Certificate of Proficiency
The Commissioner for Vocational Training publishes a Commissioner’s Information Bulletin (CIB) containing information to support the administration of apprenticeships (trade vocations) as well as traineeship vocations.
- View the full CIB list for all vocations.
Important notice - electrotechnology trade applications
Due to a high volume of electrotechnology trade applications, processing times may be longer than usual. We are committed to processing all applications as efficiently as possible and appreciate your understanding and patience during this time.
Only the following apprenticeship or trade vocations are available for trade skills recognition:
- 709 - Carpentry
- 709 – Plumbing
- 742 - Electricity Supply Industry - Distribution Overhead
- 742 - Electricity Supply Industry - Distribution Underground
- 742 - Electricity Supply Industry - Transmissions Overhead
- 742 - Electricity Supply Industry - Rail Traction
- 755 - Electrotechnology - Electrician
- 755 - Electrotechnology - Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
- 756 - Engineering - Fabrication
- 756 - Engineering - Mechanical
- 758 - Automotive - Electrical Technology
- 758 - Automotive - Heavy Commercial Vehicle Mechanical Technology
- 758 - Automotive - Light Vehicle Mechanical Technology
- 758 - Automotive - Mobile Plant Technology
Where the CIB includes information on both Apprenticeships and Traineeships, refer only to the list of apprenticeship/trade vocations to identify the relevant qualification for a particular trade.
The qualification code and name can be used to search for further information on training providers who provide training and assessment.
Search the following government websites:
Selecting the qualification code and name link will take you to a PDF document providing you with more information on the trade qualification, and the qualification structure or packaging rules concerning the individual units in the qualification.
Further information can be found concerning the performance criteria and required skills and knowledge of each individual unit of competency within an apprenticeship qualification.
Benefits of a Certificate of Proficiency
A Certificate of Proficiency is beneficial in the following circumstances.
- If you are working in a Certified Trade vocation a Certificate of Proficiency is necessary to work in the trade; or work without supervision; or work without limitation. Licensed or Certified Trade vocations are any recognised trade vocations where a person is required to have a Certificate of Proficiency in order to obtain a licence, permit or authority under an Act to work in a trade vocation, see NSW Fair Trading Licensing and qualifications | NSW Fair Trading. If you want to obtain a better paying job. In some industry sectors such as mining or defence services, a Certificate of Proficiency can increase your employment prospects and wage earning capacity in trade occupations in NSW.
- If you want to undertake further education in your trade, a Certificate of Proficiency and the associated trade qualification can assist you to gain entry into further education and training. It may also help you obtain advanced standing so that you can complete the course more quickly.
Skills and knowledge you are required to outline
Applicants need to demonstrate both underpinning knowledge and trade skills associated with a particular trade vocation.
- Underpinning knowledge: is a correct understanding of relevant information to ensure a task is performed to acceptable and current trade practices.
- Trade skills: are the ability to perform trade skills to acceptable and current trade practices.
This may include the ability to undertake the following to acceptable trade practice:
- Read and respond to work instructions, specifications and technical drawings.
- Correctly use and apply knowledge to products.
- Select and use appropriate materials, tools, machines and equipment.
- Correctly use and apply trade tools and measuring instruments.
- Plan, set out, lay out and undertake work tasks associated with a trade occupation.
- Diagnose and correct faults or undertake repairs or rectification work.
- Create or produce trade products and services.
- Carry out trade work independently.
- Supervise and impart trade skills and knowledge to other staff, including apprentices.
Application process
To apply to have your trade skills recognised you need to apply online.
Please ensure that you read the preparing your application for a Certificate of Proficiency instructions where the following important information is explained:
- Who is eligible to apply and what must be provided with the application
- Required information that must be attached with the application
- The application fee of $200 is payable once your application has been accepted. You will be contacted directly for payment.
Documentary evidence needed to support your application
The Commissioner for Vocational Training relies on documentary evidence to assess your application. Therefore, it is important that you complete the application form carefully and include all required information and documentation.
Examples of relevant documents include:
- transcripts and certificates of formal training completed in Australia and overseas
- work-related references from employers detailing the nature of trade work and the duration of employment, procedures applied and tools and equipment used which are consistent with your trade (references must be on employer's letterhead signed and dated)
- work orders, e-profiling, skills tracker, log books or job cards illustrating the nature of trade work you have performed
- any other evidence that demonstrates that you are competent or trained to work in your trade. that has been verified by a past employer or qualified supervisor
- an employer statement of upcoming work in NSW or a signed contract with an employer to commence work in NSW at a specified date.
Evidence of self-employment in Certified Trade vocations
Self-employment on its own is not sufficient to meet requirements for the demonstration of past employment and experience in the trade concerned. The Commissioner must be satisfied that you are adequately trained in the relevant trade vocation and have actually undertaken hands on trade work, in addition where the trade concerned is a Certified Trade vocation (electrical) the development of trade experience must conform to any industry regulatory requirements governing this work. The Commissioner must be satisfied that you were adequately supervised by qualified trade workers in legitimate employment.
If your application relies on a period of self-employment to demonstrate past employment and experience in your application for a Certificate of Proficiency your application should also provide the following:
- An adequate explanation of how your trade work was supervised.
- Evidence demonstrating the scope of “hands on” trade work you have performed through self-employment, verified by a qualified supervisor.
Processing your application
Soon after your application for Certificate of Proficiency is submitted, you will receive a notice from the Commissioner for Vocational Training acknowledging receipt of your application.
In addition, if there are any changes to your address, phone contact or e-mail details after you have submitted your applications please contact
Timeframe to finalise your application
The time needed to assess and determine the outcome of your application will depend on:
- The quality of the documents you provide to support your application.
- Whether the Commissioner requires further information to determine your application.
- Whether a virtual or physical interview is required
- Whether a physical independent competency assessment is required, comprising of theory and practical components
An independent third party expert panel will review your application in accordance with the S37 of the Apprenticeship and Traineeship Act 2001.
- Apprenticeship and Traineeship Act 2001 No 80 - NSW Legislation.
The panel will make a recommendation to the Commissioner as follows:
- Stood over and more information is requested.
- An interview is required – this will take place virtually or where practical, in a physical setting, and will be a discussion regarding your skills and knowledge of your relevant vocation.
- An Independent Competency Assessment is required, and this will involve induction and testing of theory and practical knowledge at Mt Druitt TAFE at a date and time allocated to you,
- The associated fee for this is $350 and is in line with s12 of the Apprenticeship and Traineeship Regulation 2017 Apprenticeship and Traineeship Regulation 2017 - NSW Legislation
- The Certificate of Proficiency to be approved.
- The Certificate of Proficiency to be refused.
Once the Commissioner reviews and approves the recommendations, you will receive a notice advising you of the decision.
If the Commissioner refuses your application under Part 3 of the Apprenticeship and Traineeship Act 2001, you may seek an administrative review of a decision to issue a Certificate of Proficiency. This provides for an individual to first seek an Internal Review with the Commissioner for Vocational Training within 28 days of a decision to issue a Certificate of Proficiency on the following form:
After the Internal Review is finalised, the Commissioner may uphold the original refusal to issue a Certificate of Proficiency. This can then be appealed and sent for an administrative review by the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT under the Administrative Decisions Review Act 1997. A request for such a Review can be made within 30 days from the date of the written notice from the Commissioner advising you of the decision to: refuse to issue you a recognition under Part 3 of the Apprenticeship and Traineeship Act 2001.
Further information concerning the steps you will need to follow in an administrative review matter before NCAT can be found on the NCAT website.
For further information about making an appeal to the Administrative and Equal Opportunity Division of NCAT and the External Appeal form, go to or call 1300 006 228 and press option 3.
Licensed Trades
A number of trade vocations require licences or registration in NSW. This is administered by the relevant licensing authority or registration body. The Certificate of Proficiency issued by the Commissioner is not a substitute for this and is not a guarantee that you will receive the required licence or registration.
Trade or industry sectors subject to licensing or registration include:
- Aircraft trades:
Licences and certificates | Civil Aviation Safety Authority ( - Building and construction trades:
Licensing and qualifications | NSW Fair Trading - Refrigeration/air-conditioning trade:
Licensing and qualifications | NSW Fair Trading - Electrical trades:
Licensing and qualifications | NSW Fair Trading - Automotive trades:
Apply for a motor vehicle repairer licence | Service NSW - Plumbing trades:
Licensing and qualifications | NSW Fair Trading
You should contact the relevant licensing authority for further information regarding licensing matters.
Interpreting and Translation services
If any document is not in English, and it is required to support your application you need to provide the Commissioner with a certified copy of the original and (attached to it) an English translation made by an official translating service. The translator must certify that the translation is complete and accurate.
Further information on interpreting and translation services can be found at Services NSW:
Translation Services
Interpreting Services
Privacy Notice
Your personal information is being collected in connection with your application for a Certificate of Proficiency under the Apprenticeship and Traineeship Act 2001 (NSW). You are required to provide this information otherwise your application cannot be considered. We may disclose your personal information where necessary in order to verify it.
Your personal information will be held by the Training Services (part of NSW Department of Education) on behalf of the Commissioner for Vocational Training.
To access or update your personal information contact