Discover industries – Health Care and Social Assistance

This is Australia's largest and fastest-growing industry. Educational qualifications are important for people wanting to enter it and part-time or shift work is common.

A male nurse stands in his office, smiling with arms folded.

Featured industry

There is a significant demand for trained health professionals in Australia. This sector promises significant growth with robust job security and the opportunity to fill critical roles that make a difference in people’s lives. 

View top 10 occupations in this industry

About Health Care and Social Assistance

Health Care and Social Assistance is the largest employing industry in Australia. 

This industry covers services like:  

  • hospitals 

  • general and specialist medical services 

  • pathology and diagnostic imaging services 

  • dental and allied health care  

  • ambulance services 

  • childcare 

  • aged and residential care. 

Many workers are female; part-time or shift work is common.  

Education is important if you want to work in this industry, whether that be through university or vocational education and training (VET) qualifications. Jobs such as nurses and doctors need a university degree, while childcare and aged care workers need VET qualifications. 

Source: Labour Market Insights, Jan 2024

Workforce share in Australia

Percentage of workers who have their main job in this industry. 

Employed in Australia

The number of people this industry employs in Australia. 

Industry growth in Australia

This is the projected amount this industry will grow by in Australia over the next 5 years. 

Source: Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA), Employment Projections, May 2023.

Current and future employment in Australia

See how Australia's Health Care and Social Assistance industry is projected to grow by 25% over a 10-year period compared to an average Australian industry growth rate of 14.2%.

Largest employing occupations

This table shows the top-10 occupations in Health Care and Social Assistance by employment numbers. 

Source: ABS Labour Force Survey, 2021

Featured industries


A woman in a white lab coat, looking through a microscope

Professional, Scientific and Technical Services

This industry covers activities like legal and accounting services, veterinary services and computer system design. These roles often support other industries.


A woman reads a book to a boy in a school library

Education and Training

This industry covers teaching and tutoring in schools and universities. Most of these jobs need a degree, but teacher's aides do not.


NSW police conducting random breath tests

Public Administration and Safety

This industry includes federal, state and local administration, the defence force and services like the police.

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