Discover industries – Professional, Scientific and Technical Services

This large industry has highly skilled workers. Many of the jobs are in services that support other industries. Most workers have a university degree.

A woman in a white lab coat, looking through a microscope

Featured industry

This is a fast-growing industry with many opportunities across a broad range of activities that support other industries.

View top 10 occupations in this industry

About Professional, Scientific and Technical Services  

Professional, Scientific and Technical Services is a large industry by employment numbers. Businesses in this industry sell their expertise as a service. 

Some examples include: 

  • scientific research 

  • architecture and engineering 

  • computer system design 

  • legal and accounting services 

  • advertising and market research 

  • veterinary services 

  • professional photography. 

A large share of the workforce is based in cities and most workers have post-school qualifications. More than half have attended university and a significant number have a vocational education and training (VET) qualification. 

Many people in this industry work full-time. 

Source: Labour Market Insights, Jan 2024

Workforce share in Australia

Percentage of workers who have their main job in this industry. 

Employed in Australia

The number of people this industry employs in Australia. 

Industry growth in Australia

This is the projected amount this industry will grow by in Australia over the next 5 years.

Source: Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA), Employment Projections, May 2023.

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A woman holding a mobile phone.

Current and future employment in Australia

See how Australia's Professional, Scientific and Technical Services industry is projected to grow by 17.9% over a 10-year period compared to an average Australian industry growth rate of 14.2%.

Largest employing occupations

This table shows the top-10 occupations in Professional, Scientific and Technical Services by employment numbers. 

Source: ABS Labour Force Survey, 2021

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A smiling young man leans on a workbench in a workshop.


Construction is a large industry with apprenticeships and traineeships the main entry pathway. There are many opportunities for young people to progress their careers.


A man serves a customer at a store point of sale

Retail Trade

Across Australia this industry offers jobs in a variety of stores. Part-time and weekend work is common, which makes it ideal for people who are still studying.


A bartender in a white shirt and blue apron, hanging wine glasses

Accommodation and Food Services

Nationwide this industry provides good entry-level jobs across Australia in hotels, motels, cafes, restaurants, take-away shops, bars and pubs.

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