Key information
- Status: Closed
- Grant amount: Up to $3,000
- Application opened: 11 September 2024
- Application closed: 11 November 2024, 5:00 pm
Program objective
The purpose of the Anzac Community Grants Program is to promote appreciation and understanding of the service and sacrifice of military service personnel or support activities and services to enhance the wellbeing of the NSW veteran community.
The ACGP is targeted at individuals and not-for-profit organisations who are based in NSW.
View the full guidelines via our website.
This program is administered by Office for Veterans Affairs.
This program is administered by Office for Veterans Affairs.
Who can apply
Individuals and the following types of organisations are eligible to apply for funding:
- Ex-Service Organisations
- Incorporated not-for-profit community organisations
- NSW local councils operating under the Local Government Act 1993
- Incorporated organisations that are registered and approved as not-for-profit bodies by NSW Fair Trading
- Not-for profit companies limited by guarantee, registered in NSW (must have ACNC registration and/or DGR status)
- Indigenous Corporations (must be registered with the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations)
- NSW Local Aboriginal Land Councils
- Religious organisations operating in NSW
- NSW non-government organisations established under their own Act of Parliament
- NSW Government agencies, including government schools
- Educational institutions
In addition, to be eligible for funding applicants must:
- possess an Australian Business Number (ABN) or can provide written advice from the Australian Taxation Office that no withholding tax is required from the grant payment;
- be financially solvent;
- be based in Australia provided the project is of direct and substantial relevance to NSW; and
- have acquitted all previously awarded ACGP grants.
Types of projects funded under this grant
Applications must align with and be submitted under one of the below category descriptions:
1. Local community historical research and education
Projects that help inform and educate the wider community about the service and sacrifice of local veterans and their families, including research towards online or print publications.
2. Preservation and display of memorabilia
Preservation and/or research materials, or display of war memorabilia, artefacts and/or research materials relevant to the local community.
3. Public commemorative events
Events that honour or mark military anniversaries and pay tribute to the service and sacrifice of NSW veterans.
4. Provide support to members of the NSW veteran community
Activities such as excursions, milestone reunions, and training and development to assist with the health and wellbeing of the veteran community.
What costs you can apply for
Eligible expenditure for commemorations and events includes:
- Events to mark the creation of units, regiments, squadrons or ships
- Significant NSW military anniversaries
- Audio and visual equipment hire not already owned by the organization, and their purchase (with the exception of schools, see Ineligible project costs)
- Bands and musical accompaniments
- Wreaths (maximum of two wreaths, limited to $100 cost each) if integral to the project
- Projects commemorating individuals
- Printing (external only) of commemorative booklets/orders of service
- Venue and equipment hire (external only). This includes items such as: rigging, generator hire, fencing, toilets, traffic management, hire equipment (marquees, chairs, tables staging), waste management and wet weather contingencies
- Catering, refreshments and associated catering equipment (limited to $300)
Eligible expenditure for educational projects includes:
- Educational materials that are an integral part of a project (this only includes materials that are being created for the project), digital materials are encouraged
- Interpretive / information signage
- School trips/community group visits or excursions to sites, locations or establishments of military significance
Eligible expenditure for heritage projects includes:
- Display cabinets for the display of wartime memorabilia
- Plaques, medallions or presentation items (small orders only)
Other eligible costs include:
- Freight (must be directly related to the project)
- Landscaping or gardening
- Lighting
- Marketing and advertising (e.g. advertising, promotional collateral, marketing activities, public relation, graphic design, associated printing costs)
- Publishing or editing costs (for first editions only)
- Research expenses (i.e. photocopying, the purchase of photographs, copies of records that are an integral part of the project). General administration expenses are not eligible.
- Salaries/wages for tradespeople, professionals, external suppliers and short-term personnel (with a valid ABN) who are essential to delivering the project
- Transport — bus/coach hire if reasonable and integral to the project
Who can’t apply
Applicants who have received funding from the ACGP for three consecutive years will be ineligible for funding in the subsequent fourth year.
What costs you can't apply for
Items or activities that funding cannot be used for include:
- Accommodation – domestic and international
- Additions to an existing memorial or plaque, or construction of a new memorial (the Commonwealth Government can assist)
- Administration costes (ongoing) of an organisation such as electricity, phone, taxis, printer cartridges, stationery and rent
- Applicant’s own venue or equipment hire
- Audio and visual equipment hire or purchase for schools (the school sector governing body, i.e. Department of Education, Association of Independent Schools NSW or Catholic Schools NSW, can assist)
- Auspicing fees
- Books and journal subscriptions
- Capital expenditure relating to the purchase or upgrade of fixed assets for ongoing use by the organisation. For example property, marquees, vehicles, or investments
- Capital works relating to the creation of an asset for ongoing use by the organisation. For example, infrastructure and buildings (except for wheelchair/disability access)
- Catering, refreshments and associated equipment over $300
- Commercial projects/projects for profit (all business profit such as the promotion of an organisation, brand or product)
- Conservation of war memorials (Community War Memorials Fund can provide support for this)
- Construction and repair of buildings including museums, memorial halls and sporting facilities
- Costs incurred in the preparation of the grant application or related documentation
- Council approval costs
- Donations
- Electrical works or equipment
- Entertainment not of a commemorative nature
- Electrical equipment purchases (i.e. computers, printers, cameras, mobile phones)
- Expenditure already incurred (e.g. project planning, purchasing of equipment or services, commission fees incurred for the development and/or design of the project, annual maintenance costs).This includes where an order has already been placed with a supplier
- Events to mark training or graduation
- Fireworks
- Flags or Flag poles (local MPs and the Commonwealth Government including the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) provide this support)
- Flowers (not wreaths)
- In-kind support
- Construction of new war memorials/cenotaphs
- Ongoing expenditure
- Preliminaries - includes any advice consultation, supervision management plans relating to the project that require completion before commencing the project
- Politically focused events or activities
- Projects undertaken outside of NSW or Australia
- Reimbursement for petty cash or other cash costs
- Restoration of graves
- Routine operations of the organisation (e.g. audit and accounting, consumables, bank charges, taxes, electricity, legal and license fees, office supplies, insurances, office rent, committee meeting expenses, postage)
- Salaries/wages for someone employed by the applicant on an ongoing basis (including internal marketing personnel, internal researchers and any related entitlements such as overtime)
- Scholarships
- Sponsorships or grants to third parties
- Translation of books/records into English
- Vehicles (purchase of)
- Volunteers (donations, or one-off payments to volunteers)
Types of projects not funded under this grant
You cannot use an ACGP grant for projects or activities that:
- do not meet the eligibility criteria outlined in these Program Guidelines
- have already started or have been finished
- are for capital works, including building work
- are of a commercial nature that is for profit
- go towards paying existing debt or budget deficits
- go towards paying permanent salaries/wages
- fund the same project twice (for example, two different organisations cannot apply for funds for the same program or activity)
Most recent recipients
What your application needs to include
Prepare your application with this checklist
The below checklist includes the key information and supporting documents required:
- Alignment to one of the ACGP categories (See ‘Project requirements’ – page 5).
- Details on how your project aligns with the ACGP’s purpose.
- A detailed description of your project, including start and end dates.
- A project rationale of why your project needs to be done.
- Details on who is likely to benefit from your project with timeframes.
- Letters of support from your community. This can include letters from your local council, local RSL sub-Branch, local schools or other community groups.
- A full budget breakdown including income and expenditure.
- Detailed quotes for the expenditure you are applying for.
- Details of all co-contributions you have secured for the project.
- Details of the applicant organisation, including its legal name, contact information, Australian Business Number (ABN), and authorised signatories.
- Details of any previous ACGP grants the applicant organisation has received.
Address the eligibility criteria
Each applicant, as part of an application response, must confirm that they meet the eligibility criteria.
Applicants that do not address the eligibility criteria in full may be excluded from the application process at the department's discretion.
Address the assessment criteria
The Assessment Panel uses the below criteria when conducting their assessments of eligible applications:
- The project aligns with the purpose of the ACGP and its objective to promote appreciation and understanding of the service and sacrifice of military service personnel or support activities and services to enhance the wellbeing of the NSW veteran community.
- The applicant has provided a thorough and feasible project plan, including a clear alignment between the project and the ACGP’s purpose, clearly identified major activities, and the activities are realistic and achievable.
- The applicant has provided adequate evidence of need for the proposed project/program, including supporting anecdotal evidence, data or research findings, identified need for the project/program by OVA, other providers or media reports, evidence from community groups who will benefit from the project, and identified targeted beneficiaries align with the ACGP’s target groups.
- The applicant has provided evidence that the community supports the project/program.
- The applicant has provided a reasonable/realistic budget that adds up with clearly articulated budget items. The applicant has also considered hidden costs of the project/program, supplied quotes that seem legitimate and reasonable and is seeking funding to cover eligible costs.
- The applicant has adequately accounted for the non-financial inputs (such as labour and pro bono support) that will be required to undertake the proposed project/program. The non-financial inputs are clearly articulated, reasonable and realistic.
Start the application
Your application must be completed and submitted online via the OVA SmartyGrants website. The online application form will be accessible from the website when an ACGP grant round is open. Hard copy applications and emailed applications will not be accepted.
To apply you must:
- complete and submit the online application form by the closing date of the round
- provide all the mandatory information requested in the form, including addressing the eligibility criteria
- attach all the mandatory supporting documents
You can submit more than one application per round. Each application will be reviewed on its own merit and evaluated against the other applications received in the same round, including the other applications you have submitted.
Note for all applicants:
- You must ensure your contact details are up to date in SmartyGrants.
- You must ensure you have acquitted any previous ACGP grants before completing your application for a new round.
- All requests to submit late applications or apply for extensions must be made in writing to OVA by email at OVA may approve or decline these requests at their sole discretion. OVA will notify you in writing and our decision will be final.
Note: If you are a new applicant to SmartyGrants, you will need to register and create a password. If you are already registered, you can log in with your existing username and password.
Apply now
After the application is submitted
Successful applications will be decided by: Minister for Veterans
All applications to the ACGP received via the OVA SmartyGrants website by the closing date of each round will first be reviewed by OVA staff against the eligibility criteria and for compliance with the Program Guidelines. Only eligible applications will progress in the assessment process.
Eligible applications will then be assessed by the Assessment Panel, which is comprised of representatives of OVA and an external stakeholder.
The ACGP application process is competitive. This means the Assessment Panel will assess each application against the eligibility criteria and the assessment criteria outlined in these Program Guidelines. They will also compare applications to others received in that round. Applications will be scored and ranked in order of merit.
The Assessment Panel may also consider other relevant information based on the content of applications received within the round.
The Assessment Panel makes recommendations to the decision-maker. The Assessment Panel may, in extraordinary circumstances, recommend applications that do not meet all the listed criteria.
The relevant Minister endorses the recommendations of the Assessment Panel.
All decisions regarding approval, amount of funding awarded, and any special conditions applied are final and there is no appeals process for the ACGP.
All applicants will be formally notified of the outcome of their application by email. Applicants must ensure that their contact details are up to date in SmartyGrants.
Anticipated assessment outcome date is 11/02/2025
Support and contact
Website: Anzac Community Grants Program