Funding is available under 6 funding streams: a planning stream, 4 implementation streams and one for emergency actions identified in certified emergency action sub plans following a significant erosion or coastal inundation event.
Key information
- Status: Open
- Grant amount: $2 from government for every $1 provided by the applicant (from council revenue). Some activities attract 1:1 funding.
- Application opened: 25 July 2024
- Application closes: 30 June 2025, 5:00 pm
Program objective
- Coastal and Estuary Implementation round open until 5 September 2024
- Coastal and Estuary Planning round open until 30 June 2025
The program provides funding to enable local councils with their communities to prepare coastal management programs (CMPs) and implement actions outlined in certified CMPs and coastal zone emergency action subplans (CZEAS), enhancing the management of coastal and estuarine environments.
It supports local councils in managing the coastal environment of New South Wales in a manner consistent with the principles of ecologically sustainable. Funding is available under 6 funding streams: a planning stream, 4 implementation streams and one for emergency actions identified in certified emergency action sub plans following a significant erosion or coastal inundation event.
See Program Guidelines for the objectives of each stream.
This program is funded and administered by Department of Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water.
The following organisations are eligible to apply:
- local councils
- county councils
- joint organisations (established under an Act of Parliament)
- incorporated regional organisations of councils (ROCs).
When multiple councils work together within the same coastal sediment compartment or estuary to prepare or implement a CMP, one council, joint organisation or ROC from within the area applies and must be the lead agency in terms of signing the funding agreement, managing monies and reporting on the project.
Public land managers (such as a Crown reserve trust or a location-specific NSW government authority) may apply in partnership with a lead council, providing the council or other eligible organisation is the principal applicant and assumes overall responsibility for administering the grant.
Who can apply
The following organisations are eligible to apply:
- local councils
- county councils
- joint organisations (established under an Act of Parliament)
- incorporated regional organisations of councils (ROCs).
Types of projects funded under this grant
Some examples of the types of projects that may be funded under this stream are:
- actions to reduce immediate risk from coastal hazards
- actions to reduce immediate risk to public assets
- emergency actions or activities to be carried out by a public authority under the CZEAS
- emergency actions or activities to ensure public safety and prevent risks to human life
- projects to prioritise and plan actions that support the continued functionality of essential infrastructure during and immediately after a coastal hazard emergency.
What you can’t apply for
The following activities or costs will not be funded as they do not meet the funding objectives:
- For Streams 2 to 6, any actions that are not identified in a certified CMP or CZEAS (apart from the exempt activities).
- For Streams 1 to 5 retrospective projects, funding is not available for projects currently underway or included in an existing contractual commitment, that are already tendered for, or have been completed.
- Maintenance of projects once complete, including maintenance of existing infrastructure for its design life. This includes work undertaken to keep something in proper condition, care or upkeep; to avoid something breaking down (preventative maintenance); or to bring something back to working order (corrective maintenance). Note: Only projects involving the replacement or upgrading of existing protection structures noted as a priority action in a certified CMP will be considered.
- Foreshore protection structures within estuaries that delineate or are built along a private boundary • the portion of protection structures deemed to be for private asset protection or private benefit, except for coastal protection structures on the open coast as outlined above Guidelines for applicants 2024–25 16.
- Amenity works that have no environmental benefit, projects with no direct linkage to a reduction in risk associated with coastal processes, or connection to the area of works, such as carparking, barbecue facilities, shelters, amenity sheds, showers, toilets or activities related to surf life saving clubs.
- Vegetation reduction for amenity outcomes.
- Actions in the catchment area (outside the mapped coastal zone) that do not support the delivery of a certified CMP, will not provide significant benefit to the coastal zone, and are not a critical factor in estuary health.
- Sites with existing biobanking agreements or the preparation of a site to be eligible for biobanking.
- Monitoring projects longer than 3 years or repeat monitoring projects at the same location.
- Amenity works under a CZEAS.
- Projects that do not demonstrate they are cost-effective and do not have links to long-term management planning.
What your application needs to include
Download the full guidelines Coastal and Estuary Grants Program guidelines for applicants 2024-25.
Read the steps to apply
Step 1 – review documentation
Read these program guidelines and review the Coastal and estuary grants webpage (see ‘More information and resources’ section for weblinks).
Step 2 – check eligibility
- Is your organisation eligible?
- Are your project and proposed activities appropriate for this program?
- Are you required to have a CMP or CZEAS to be eligible to apply for the project?
Step 3 – identify which funding stream is applicable to your project.
If unsure, contact your department regional representative (see ‘Contacts for assistance’). Review the relevant funding stream conditions in preparation of your grant application.
Step 4 – start your application
Prepare your grant application online along with submitting any supporting documentation.
Ensure the work-plan has at least:
- 2 very detailed milestones with associated activities for projects up to $75,000
- 4 very detailed milestones with associated activities for projects between $75,000 and $200,000 Guidelines for applicants 2024–25
- at least 6 detailed milestones with associated activities for projects over $200,000. Please note that projects must complete within 3 years of commencement and the Grants Management System restricts applicants from submitting projects for grant funding beyond a 3-year timeframe.
Projects cannot commence until 3 March 2025 and must commence by 1 October 2025.
Changes can be made to an application at any time until it is submitted.
Step 5 – submit your application
An application must be submitted, with all sections completed, and a detailed project workplan and supporting documentation prior to the closing date (see Table 1). Applications must be submitted via the Grants Management System. Any applications submitted late or by other means will not be accepted.
Address the eligibility criteria
Applications will initially be checked to confirm eligibility, that correct categories have been selected and for completeness. Ineligible or incomplete applications will not be assessed. Where applicable and possible, an application may be moved to a more appropriate program stream for assessment.
Applications will be assessed against the following criteria:
- demonstrated need for and importance of the project
- the method proposed to undertake the work is sound
- the project is value for money/reasonable cost (compared to similar projects)
- if cost–benefit analysis related, does it align with the procedures outlined in the NSW Coastal management manual.
This assessment is conducted by the department’s Principal Coastal Specialist or Principal Estuary Specialist, in consultation with relevant Biodiversity and Conservation staff. A numerical scoring system is used in the evaluation of applications against the above criteria, and an overall recommendation is made on each application. Applications are approved under delegation by the Director Grants. Details of successful applications will be placed on the department’s website. All applicants will be notified in writing of the outcome of their application
Address the assessment criteria
Address the assessment criteria relevant to the stream you are applying under. More information can be found in the grant guidelines.
Planning stream (open until 30 June 2025)
- demonstrated need for and importance of the project
- the method proposed to undertake the work is sound
- the project is value for money/reasonable cost (compared to similar projects)
- if cost–benefit analysis related, does it align with the procedures outlined in the NSW Coastal management manual
Implementation streams (open until 5 September 2024)
- The applications will be assessed against a range of criteria including:
- action is identified in a certified CMP or CZEAS (except for exempt activities)
- the project aligns to both statewide priorities and objectives, and this grant program’s priorities and objectives
- the project meets one or more of the management objectives for the relevant coastal management area
- capacity to deliver the project with available resources
- commitment to maintaining works in a condition suitable to meet its design intent for the design life
- cost-effectiveness and technical feasibility with best practice implementation
- the environmental benefit of the project.
Start the application
Please click the button to start your application and download the grant documents.
After the application is submitted
Successful applications will be decided by: The appropriate department delegate.
Successful applications will be decided by: An independent panel, which includes expert and stakeholder representation, they will assess and prioritise applications on a statewide basis. Projects recommended for funding are provided for consideration and approval by the appropriate department delegate.
Applications will be checked to confirm eligibility and completeness. Ineligible, late or incomplete applications will be considered ineligible for funding.
Details of successful applications will be placed on the department’s website. All applicants will be notified in writing of the outcome of their application.
Support and contact
Phone: Grants Branch – Coast and Estuary on 02 9895 6494
Postal Address: Environment and Heritage Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, Locked Bag 5022, Parramatta NSW 2124