Community Building Partnership Program Assessment of Applications for NSW Government Grant

Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest Undertakings and Conflict of Interest Declaration.

General undertakings as to confidentiality and conflicts of interest 

As an Assessor you acknowledge that you will have access to Confidential Information in your role assessing applications for a grant under the Community Building Partnership Program (the Program). 

You must ensure that you  do not have any conflict of interest that may impact on the integrity of the Program.

You understand that while this declaration sets out certain specific obligations in relation to the Program, your obligations as a Member of Parliament, Minister of the Crown, or a public sector employee (as applicable) are broader than those specified in this declaration and those general obligations are not limited by the matters covered in this declaration. 

1. Confidential Information

1.1. You understand that all information provided or disclosed, directly or indirectly, in connection with the Program is to be treated as being confidential (“Confidential Information”) but does not include:

(a) information which, at the time of the disclosure, was in the public domain; or

(b) information which, subsequent to the disclosure, enters the public domain, except through breach of this undertaking or any other obligation of confidence.

1.2. You undertake to:

(a) not disclose Confidential Information to any person:

  • i. without the prior written consent the CBP Program Office; or
  • ii.  unless that person has also executed a Confidentiality Undertaking in respect of the Program and such disclosure is required for the purposes of the Program;

(b) use the Confidential Information solely for the purposes of the Program and for no other purpose;

(c) take all necessary precautions to prevent reproduction or copying of the Confidential Information, except to the extent reasonably necessary to carry out the Program;

(d) take all necessary precautions to prevent loss, unauthorised access to, unauthorised copying, misuse, modification or disclosure of the Confidential Information;

(e) upon request of the CBP Program Office, return or promptly destroy any Confidential Information provided or disclosed to You.

1.3. Authorised disclosure
You understand that nothing in this undertaking prevents disclosure of Confidential Information if required or authorised to do so for the purposes of the Program or by law. If disclosure is required by law, You undertake to immediately (and wherever possible, prior to disclosure) notify the Program Manager that the disclosure of the information is or may be required unless such notification is prohibited by law.

2. Conflict of Interest

2.1 You understand that a “Conflict of Interest”: 

(a) means a situation where the exercise of a person’s duty or decision-making is influenced, objectively has the potential to be influenced, or objectively gives rise to a perception that it may be influenced, by a secondary interest, including (but not limited to) a private or business interest; 

(b) exists whether or not You are actually influenced by a secondary interest;

(c) may include (without limitation) a situation that might influence you to do favours for your family and friends, or avoid personal disadvantage or disadvantage to your family and friends;

(d) may include (without limitation) non-financial interests including your private interests in social and professional activities and interests with individuals or groups, including family and friends.

2.2 You undertake to complete a conflicts of interest declaration for each grant application assessed in SmartyGrants and notify the CBP Program Office in writing immediately upon becoming aware of a Conflict of Interest at any time pertaining to the Program, including any change of circumstances which might in the future give rise to an actual, potential or perceived Conflict of Interest. 

2.3 You agree to implement any reasonable action required by the CBP Program Office to ensure that no Conflict of Interest exists, or to remove any existing Conflict of Interest. 

2.4 You agree that we may share with any Independent Assessor(s) and any probity advisor, Your general conflicts of interest declarations and Your conflicts of interest in relation to each grant application assessed.

For any questions related to declaring conflicts of interest, please contact the CBP Program Officer.

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