Funding to help local government authorities and not-for-profit community organisations deliver projects to support seniors in connecting with others. This grant program builds on the Reducing Social Isolation for Seniors grants.
Key information
- Status: Closed
- Grant amount: From $20,000 to $40,000
- Application opened: 22 September 2023
- Application closed: 25 October 2023, 5:00 pm
Program objective
The program aims to build social connections and reduce isolation for older people, including those aged 65 years and over, or 50 years and over for Aboriginal people.
The objectives of the Connecting Seniors Grant Program are to:
- provide meaningful and lasting social connections
- help older people connect with each other in small group activities in person
- enable older people to develop lasting quality relationships
- engage new people, particularly harder-to-reach older people.
This program is funded and administered by Department of Communities and Justice.
Who can apply
- incorporated not-for-profit community organisations, including
- incorporated organisations registered and approved as not-for-profit bodies by NSW Fair Trading
- not-for-profit companies, limited by guarantee and registered in NSW (must have ACNC registration and/or DGR status)
- associations (registered under the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 with NSW Fair Trading)
- NSW Local Aboriginal Land Councils
- religious organisations operating in NSW
- NSW non-government organisations established under an Act of Parliament.
- NSW local councils operating under the Local Government Act 1993.
Where possible, funding will be distributed across NSW to ensure an equitable spread of funds and projects.
Who can’t apply
- for-profit organisations
- individuals
- organisations that have outstanding acquittals with DCJ.
Any applicants that were successful in round 3 of the Reducing Social Isolation for Seniors grant program will have to show how their new proposed project is separate from their currently funded project.
The NSW Government will not award a funding arrangement to a non-government organisation with redress obligation (or to any of its related entities) if it has:
- declined to join the scheme, or
- not joined 6 months after it is told to join the scheme.
Types of projects funded under this grant
Eligible projects should fit 1 of the following 3 approaches:
- Creation of a new program that fosters social connection for older people.
- Enhancement and expansion of a successful program that fosters social connection and focuses on older people. For example, into a new geographical area or to target a new cohort/s (for example, CALD and/or Aboriginal). It should not duplicate or try to replace a similar local program that is already successful.
- Local council grants that are available to local councils only.
Categories 1 and 2 will exclusively be open to not-for-profit community organisations only with local councils eligible to apply for category 3.
Priority groups
- Aboriginal people aged 50 years and over
- people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds
- people living with disability, dementia, chronic disease or mental illness
- carers
- people in rural, regional and remote areas
- people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer or asexual (LGBTIQA+).
Organisations who represent harder to reach cohort groups are encouraged to apply.
Expected participation
Each project requires a minimum number of new participants.
With the funding range from $20,000 to $40,000, the expected minimum number of new participants would range from 20 to 80.
This is based on an estimated costing of approximately $500 per person for the total grant value (for example, a $20,000 grant would be seeking the participation of at least 40 older people).
What you can't apply for
Projects that:
- do not address social connection for older people
- do not include activities for older people to socialise, in person where possible
- do not show local involvement and are not based on local needs
- do not extend participation beyond the applicant organisation’s immediate membership or clients
- need participants to pay more than a nominal amount to take part. Any costs should consider the benefits for each participant, and their ability to pay.
- include requests for retrospective funding for projects, programs and activities
- are for commercial purposes or benefit
- are fundraising events for the applicant organisation
- already receive NSW Government funding for the nominated activity.
What the funds cannot be used for:
- wages and salaries
- conferences or workshops
- general equipment
- capital works
- purchase of a vehicle or associated costs
- non-essential costs
- retrospective costs
- interstate or overseas travel costs
- ongoing operational costs or activities and programs that are business as usual
- existing debt or budget deficits.
Example projects
- Nature walks or birdwatching tours for those with low mobility.
- A yarning circle for older Aboriginal people.
- Visits to older people who are housebound, with the help of a local community transport group.
- A ‘Men’s Shed’ or ‘Women’s Repair café’.
- Free community transport to social activities for older women with a health condition.
- A supper club program for local residents. Weekly cooking classes end with a completion dinner. Support to create ongoing supper clubs in their homes.
- A local book club or toastmasters-style forum. A local library provides access to e-books.
Most recent recipients
What your application needs to include
For full details, download the Connecting Seniors Grant Program guidelines (PDF 200.07KB).
You can also read frequently asked questions (PDF 198.51KB).
View a sample application form (PDF 109.95KB).
Prepare your application with this checklist
Information you need to gather before you apply includes:
- your organisation name and details
- your Australian Business Number. If your organisation has an auspicing agreement with an incorporated organisation with an ABN, that organisation may apply for funding on your behalf.
- your current registrations and insurance
- a detailed project budget
- quotes or an estimate of the project cost. Try to provide at least one quote per line item for purchases of goods or services in your budget to support the funding amount requested.
- confirmation that your organisation is located in NSW and that the proposed project will occur in NSW.
Make sure you address all the eligibility criteria and use the assessment criteria provided below to help you structure your application.
Assessment stages
Your application will be assessed in 2 stages:
Stage 1:
The assessment team will review whether the organisation and project are eligible. This includes confirming that:
- the applicant organisation is eligible to apply
- the application meets program requirements for commencement, completion and the amount of funding requested
- the application is complete, including quotes or an estimate of the project cost
- the project type is eligible for Connecting Seniors Grant Program funding.
Stage 2:
As this is a competitive grants program, all eligible applications will be assessed to determine their relative merits against the assessment criteria.
Address the eligibility criteria
Show that your organisation is eligible to apply for this funding and that your project meets the requirements.
Show how your project matches 1 of the following 3 approaches:
- Creation of a new program that fosters social connection for older people.
- Enhancement and Expansion of a successful program that fosters social connection and focuses on older people. For example, into a new geographical area or to target a new cohort/s (for example, CALD and/or Aboriginal). It should not duplicate or try to replace a similar local program that is already successful.
- Local council grants that are available to local councils only.
Categories 1 and 2 will exclusively be open to not-for-profit community organisations only with local councils eligible to apply for category 3.
Show how your project focuses on 1 or more of the priority groups. You will be asked to report specifically on how you engaged older people from these groups and the effectiveness of your engagement approach.
Organisations that can demonstrate expertise and experience in engagement with older people and/or delivering projects or services inclusive of older people are strongly encouraged to apply.
Address the assessment criteria
Relevance (30%)
- The application puts forward a proposal that explains how the project will:
- provide quality and lasting social connection opportunities for older people
- address isolation for older people
- engage new people, particularly harder to reach older people.
- The application identifies and demonstrates:
- an understanding of the needs of groups that will be targeted for the project, particularly any older people from the priority groups, where identified
- how older people will be effectively and actively engaged to participate in the project, particularly any older people from the priority groups, where identified why you need the grant to deliver the project.
The application identifies, and focuses on, activities that are meaningful, purposeful and productive (involving action and engagement).
- The application demonstrates:
- a defined local community need
- how the proposed project provides an effective local solution to that need
- the community-driven delivery approach that will be applied.
Where the application is for the expansion of an existing project, the application demonstrates how it will be tailored to a new geographical area or new cohort and how local groups will be involved in the development and delivery of the project.
Impact (30%)
Your application shows:
- how quality and lasting social connections will be formed, encouraged and sustained using an active engagement approach for older people who are socially isolated or at risk of isolation, and offering meaningful activities.
- the project will deliver tangible, positive and clearly articulated outcomes that meet the objectives of the grant program and identify what the outcomes will be.
Your project should reach the greatest number of participants with the funding provided.
You explain how you will measure and demonstrate to DCJ the success of your project.
Where your application is for the enhancement or expansion of an existing project, it shows:
- how this has fostered connection among existing participants and/or how this may impact older people.
Implementation (40%)
Your application shows:
- how the project will actively attract and sustain participation, at least through to November 2024, of older people who are isolated or at risk of isolation.
- that the organisation (or project lead and partner/s, in the case of a partnership) has the appropriate skills and expertise to deliver the project, demonstrating good planning.
The location where the project will be delivered is clearly identified, accessible, and appropriate for local older people.
You show business continuity planning to keep the project running to 31 January 2025.
Your application shows the project is value for money in terms of:
- the overall costs
- what you plan to use the grant for
- the outcomes and benefits that will be delivered and
- includes a detailed and comprehensive budget and plan.
After the application is submitted
The applications will be assessed and both successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified.
Support and contact
If you have any queries or wish to be contacted for future seniors grant opportunities, contact: