These grants fund eligible organisations to deliver skills, training and career development projects that support women pursuing careers in trades.
Key information
- Status: Closed
- Grant amount: Up to $300,000
- Application opened: 22 November 2022
- Application closed: 21 December 2022, 11:00 pm
Program objective
Connecting Women to Trades grant program (round two) aims to address the underrepresentation of women in non-traditional trades and trades experiencing skills shortages.
The grant program aims to achieve three goals:
- Increase the appeal of trades to raise female participation rates.
- Remove social and cultural barriers to women entering trades.
- Support women’s learning to increase their job opportunities.
This program is administered by Training Services.
To apply for a grant, an eligible organisation must:
- be a legal entity with the capacity to contract
- currently operate in NSW
- be registered for GST and have an Australian Business Number (ABN)
- be covered by public liability insurance
- be financially viable
- demonstrate partnerships across industry, community organisations and/or women’s trade advocacy networks to co-design and deliver projects
- have the capability and capacity to deliver projects in line with the Connecting Women to Trades grant guidelines.
Who can apply
Applications will be accepted from:
- group training organisations (GTOs)
- industry associations
- industry training advisory bodies (ITABs)
- local government
- not for profit organisations
- registered training organisations (RTOs)
- trade employers
- trade unions
- women's networks.
Who can’t apply
Federal or State Government entities.
Types of projects funded under this grant
Projects should:
- utilise partnerships with multiple organisations such as industry, community organisations, and women’s groups to deliver relevant and engaging projects for women
- align outcomes and objectives to the Women in Trades Strategy 2021-2024
- aim to incorporate recommendations from the Women in Trades Promising Practice Review
- deliver multiple outputs to progress women into trade training and employment
- focus on developing skills in trades such as automotive, electrotechnology and construction; and/or in trade occupations experiencing skills shortage
- be delivered in one or more of the nine Training Services NSW regions
- conclude no later than April 2024.
For more detailed application information and requirements refer to the Connecting Women to Trades grant guidelines.
What can’t you apply for
- Capital equipment, capital works or capital expenses
- Print collateral
- Operating expenses not directly related to the project
- Projects delivered outside NSW
- Retrospective funding, for example, projects that have already commenced prior to grant award
- Fundraising events
- Costs associated with accredited training that is approved for funding under Smart and Skilled
Example projects
View the list of funded projects from Connecting Women to Trades round one.
Most recent recipients
What your application needs to include
Please review these key documents as part of the application process.
- Connecting Women to Trades grant guidelines
- Women in Trades Promising Practice Review
- Women in Trades Strategy 2021-2024
- Connecting Women to Trades - Qualifications and Trade Occupations
Prepare your application with this checklist
To apply for a grant you need to have a SmartyGrants account. If you do not already have an account, visit the Training Services NSW SmartyGrants account registration page to create one.
Please allow sufficient time to complete the application and upload all necessary documents. Hard copy, incomplete or late applications will not be accepted. Applications must include sufficient information and associated supporting documentation to enable the assessment panel to adequately assess the application.
Please refer to the Connecting Women to Trades grant guidelines for more detailed application information and requirements.
Address the eligibility criteria
Applications will be accepted from group training organisations (GTOs), industry associations, industry training advisory bodies (ITABs), local government, not for profit organisations, registered training organisations (RTOs), trade employers, trade unions and women's networks.
To apply for a grant, an eligible organisation must:
- be a legal entity with the capacity to contract
- currently operate in NSW
- be registered for GST and have an Australian Business Number (ABN)
- be covered by public liability insurance
- be financially viable
- demonstrate partnerships across industry, community organisations and/or women’s trade advocacy networks to co-design and deliver projects
- have the capability and capacity to deliver projects in line with the Connecting Women to Trades grant guidelines.
Address the assessment criteria
Applications for grants will be judged on:
- how the project addresses the pillars of action and desired outcomes of the Women in Trades Strategy 2021-24
- how the Women in Trades Promising Practice Review will inform the project
- how the project uses networks to recruit and engage suitable participants
- capability and capacity of organisation to respond to challenges and deliver a project achieving value for money
- a project proposal including the aim of the project, project scope, proposed activities, and project timeline.
Review the Connecting Women to Trades grant guidelines for more detailed application information and requirements.
After the application is submitted
All applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application from 21 February 2023.