Key information
- Status: Closed
- Grant amount: $1 to $500 in travel support and an all-access ticket to attend GCAP 2024
- Application opened: 26 August 2024
- Application closed: 6 September 2024, 2:00 pm
Program objective
The objectives of the program are to:
- Provide travel support for emerging or mid-level NSW game practitioners to attend GCAP 2024
- Support NSW game practitioners who are looking to upskill and connect with the wider Australian games industry and reinvest back into the NSW digital games industry
- Support connections that will shape the future of NSW’s creative landscape and strengthen NSW’s position in the global market.
This program is administered by Screen NSW.
Who can apply
Please see the full guidelines on the Screen NSW website.
All applicants need to fulfil the following criteria:
- Be able to attend the whole of Games Connect Asia Pacific (GCAP) 7-9 October 2024 in Melbourne
- Be a NSW- based company or individual:
- If an individual, the applicant must be over 18 and be a NSW resident (i.e., lived and operated in NSW for at least six months immediately before the date of application)
- If a company, the company must be incorporated and registered in Australia and have its principal place of business in NSW for at least six months immediately before the date of application. Company applicants must nominate one person (traveller) and the traveller must be over 18 and be a NSW resident.
- Have an Australian Business Number (ABN)
- Have at least one game project in development.
Applicants must not be full-time secondary or tertiary students. Other government departments and agencies are not eligible to apply. The applicant must not be in breach of any obligation under any funding agreement it has with the NSW Government.
Types of projects funded under this grant
Not applicable
What your application needs to include
Prepare your application with this checklist
You must submit all core materials listed on the application form.
- Profile of the applicant demonstrating their relevant track record
- CV/resume of the person proposed to attend
- Statement of intended objectives for attending GCAP 2024
- Details of any game project/s in development and a short statement of how attending GCAP will benefit the project/s
- Intended plan for the conference including planned activities, networking opportunities and proposed meeting list.
Address the eligibility criteria
Each applicant, as part of an application response, must confirm that they meet the eligibility criteria.
Applicants that do not address the eligibility criteria in full may be excluded from the application process at the department's discretion.
Address the assessment criteria
Your application will be competitively assessed against the following weighted criteria:
Applicant Track Record (30%)
The track record of the applicant including relevant experience in the games industry. The Assessment panel will review details provided in the application including:
- CV of applicant, or attendee if applicant is an organisation
- Evidence of relevant game work experience and previous game credits (if applicable).
Merit of the Opportunity (30%)
The strength of your application, taking into account the opportunities provided by attendance. The Assessment panel will review details including:
- Indicative schedule of workshops or events that the applicant will attend
- Any additional activities e.g. meetings that will be undertaken during GCAP
- The status of any game projects in development.
NSW Cultural & Economic Benefit (20%)
The potential of the market travel opportunity to contribute to the NSW digital games industry including:
- A description of how attendance will benefit the work being undertaken by the applicant.
Participation & Diversity (20%)
Diversity of the applicants, and whether it increases participation from Screen NSW priority areas.
Start the application
Screen NSW uses the SmartyGrants platform for submission of all applications. Applications made using any other format will not be accepted. Please note you will receive a SmartyGrants acknowledgement of submission.
A preview of the application form can be viewed on the SmartyGrants portal.
Late applications due to technical difficulties will be reviewed and eligibility determined with absolute discretion by the Manager Strategy, PDV and Digital Games. A request for late submission due to technical difficulties must be submitted by email to within 60 minutes of the application close time.
Note: If you are a new applicant to SmartyGrants, you will need to register and create a password. If you are already registered, you can log in with your existing username and password.
Apply now
After the application is submitted
Successful applications will be decided by: Head of Screen NSW
What happens once you’ve submitted your application
Once your application has been submitted, you will receive an email confirmation from our secure online grants system, SmartyGrants.
Applications will be initially reviewed by Screen NSW staff to ensure they meet eligibility requirements, and all application materials are acceptable. If you application is assessed as ineligible, you will be advised in writing within 14 days.
If your application is considered eligible, it will progress to the assessment panel for consideration against the Assessment Criteria.
The Assessment Panel will consist of a minimum of two Screen NSW staff members with relevant expertise, including the Manager Strategy, PDV & Digital Games (Assessment Panel Chair). Each panel member will assess and score applications individually, before meeting as a group to discuss the results and finalise recommendations.
Based on outcome of the assessment meeting recommendations will be made in writing to the decision-maker.
Please note that funding allocation follows a competitive process. Evaluations will consider the assessment criteria outlined above and the availability of funds at Screen NSW.
Recommendation and Decision
The recommendations from the assessment panel will be provided to the Head of Screen NSW for consideration and approval.
Additional Considerations
Additional considerations Screen NSW may, at its sole discretion, and at any stage of the application process, do all or any of the following:
- Require additional information from an applicant
- Change the scope or the requirements of these guidelines
- Vary, amend (including by replacement) or terminate the application process, and
- Re-open an application after the closing date, provided it doesn’t give the applicant an advantage over other applicants.
Screen NSW aims to turnaround applications approximately 2 weeks from the application close date. Applicants will be advised of the application outcome by 20 September 2024.