This program is offering land managers assistance to protect and improve priority Koala Habitat in the Southern Highlands and Southern Tablelands Areas of Regional Koala Significance (ARKS) of NSW.
Key information
- Status: Closed
- Grant amount: Up to $50,000
- Application opened: 8 July 2024
- Application closed: 29 July 2024, 5:00 pm
Program objective
This program aims to improve the extent, quality and connectivity of the nationally listed koala habitats and reduce local threats.
The program outcomes include:
- goals to increase the area of revegetation to create future habitat for koalas
- improving existing habitat through fencing to manage grazing
- weed management
The program also seeks to:
- improve knowledge of koala populations via monitoring programs
- increase landholder awareness and capacity to protect koala habitat through educational activities with community and landowners.
The program will offer advice, planning support and financial assistance to private and public land managers to achieve the described outcomes.
This program is administered by Local Land Services.
This program is funded by Australian Government
This program is funded and administered by Department of Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water.
The grant opportunity is an open and competitive grant.
The opportunity is available to private and public land managers within and within close proximity of the target areas of the Southern Tablelands (20km) and Southern Highlands (10km) ARKS.
Check if your address is in the area of eligibility
Use our interactive map.
Southern Tablelands ARKS map showing 20km buffer.
Who can apply
To be eligible for grant funding, an applicant must meet each of the following requirements:
- have an Australian Business Number (ABN) or able to complete a statement by a supplier form
- be 1 of the following:
- a company incorporated in Australia
- a company incorporated by guarantee
- an incorporated association or co-operative
- a partnership
- a sole trader
- a local council
- a joint organisation of councils;
- an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation registered under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006
- a NSW Public Land manager
- an individual landholder and able to complete a statement by a supplier form to notify Local Land Services
- hold or commit to obtaining public liability insurance of not less than $10 million per occurrence or hold equivalent or better self-insurance to the satisfaction of the department, prior to executing a funding deed with the department
- be a landowner, or have the permission of the landowner, of property within or adjacent to the Southern Highlands or Southern Tablelands ARKS
- are not an employee or Board member of Local Land Services
- have no debt with Local Land Services that is outside of Local Land Services payment terms (LLS debt management framework)
- Is based in NSW Snowy -Monaro or Wingecarribee, Wollondilly or Goulburn Mulwaree LGA.
- be proposing eligible activities including fencing to manage livestock grazing from areas of koala habitat, revegetation or weed management to enhance koala habitat and connectivity of habitat
- have capacity for projects to be completed by 30 May 2025
- a minimum property size of 5 ha.
Types of projects funded under this grant
- Revegetation with specific native trees and shrubs to enhance koala habitat and/or connectivity including site preparation, purchase of plants and tree guards, labour for planting and watering, up to $10,000 per ha depending on approved design of revegetation projects.
- Stock proof fencing to protect revegetation areas and/or existing koala habitat from livestock including purchase of materials and contributions to fencing labour up to $20,000 per km (Southern Highlands) and $16,000 per km (Southern Tablelands) for approved fencing.
- Weed control activities including purchase of chemicals and labour to reduce the impacts of weeds on Koala movement and growth of priority Koala habitat up to $3000 per ha of approved weed management activities.
What can’t you apply for
You cannot apply for:
- project administration costs
- properties or landowners who have incomplete projects previously funded by Local Land Services or have a debt with Local Land Services that is outside of Local Land Services payment terms (LLS debt management framework)
- boundary fences
- work required by reason of legal obligations being placed on the property or landholder (such as regulation, consent conditions, covenants, compliance notices, court orders, set aside arrangements, or existing landholder agreements)
- commercial plantings (such as timber for future harvest).
Types of projects not funded by this grant
Projects ineligible for funding include:
- project sites that are not within or in close proximity to the Southern Highlands and Southern Tableland ARKS
- projects that are proposing ineligible activities
- projects that cannot demonstrate capacity to complete all works by 31 May 2025
- project submissions where the landowner is an employee or Board member of Local Land Services.
What your application needs to include
For full details, download the program guidelines (PDF 970.29KB).
Prepare your application with this checklist
Your application must include:
- applicant's name and contact details including phone number and email address
- Australian Business Number (if you have one)
- entity type
- property owner (if different to the applicant) name and contact details
- property address of proposed works including Holding Reference Number (found on your LLS Rates notice)
- proposed works intended under this project including specific location and extent
- a clear project scope
- landowner consent if the land is not owned by the applicant
- evidence of at least $10 million public liability insurance in the name of the applicant, or willingness to obtain insurance if proposal approved
- any project co-contribution proposed
- information relating to any past projects with Local Land Services or other government agencies.
- confirmation of no debt with Local Land Services (outside of LLS payment terms)
- confirmation of capacity to complete works by 30 May 2025
- confirmation of minimum property size (5Ha).
Address the eligibility criteria
Applications will be assessed on:
Project appropriateness
Identification of the location of the property and proposed project site compared to priority habitat mapping including location of ARKS, native vegetation mapping and known koala sightings (desktop analysis) including the advice of Department Planning and Environment.
Strategic alignment
Assessment of proposed project activities against program outcomes including the completion of site assessment by South East Local Land Services staff.
Landowner capacity
Evidence of approval of the landowner, evidence of completion of past projects (if relevant).
Interest in monitoring/maintenance
Commitment to koala monitoring activities.
Value for money
Cost-benefit analysis including comparison to other applications within the funding round.
After the application is submitted
Successful applications will be decided by: LLS Executive Director - Regional Delivery
Successful applications will be decided by: the Executive Director, Regional Delivery Local Land Services.
Successful applicants will be notified in writing by letter and/or email.
In accordance with the Government Sector Finance Amendment (Grants) Bill 2023, successful projects will also be listed on this website.
Funding deed
Successful applicants will be required to enter into an agreement with the NSW Government.
Successful applicants will be required to provide all supporting documentation and approvals before the Local Land Services can enter into a funding deed. This includes proof of ownership (or landowners' consent), at least $10 million public liability insurance, development approval (if applicable).
Monitoring and reporting
All on-ground projects funded by South East LLS will be required to undertake monitoring activities. These will be described in the funding deed, with a guide provided to successful applicants. South East LLS staff will assist within the establishment of the monitoring protocol that will include establishing photo monitoring points. South East LLS may also require the monitoring of groundcover, native vegetation condition, koala populations and feral animal impact depending on the type of activities proposed.
Program evaluation
Progress, final and annual reports submitted to South East LLS and inspection reports completed by South East LLS will be used to inform evaluation of this grant program under an LLS approved annual evaluation plan that considers and documents delivery on outputs, outcomes, key learnings and continuous improvements.