These grants support land managers to reduce sediment and nutrients inputs to coastal catchments, including improvements to erosion control, bank stabilisation and water quality.
Key information
- Status: Closed
- Grant amount: From $1,500
- Application opened: 1 July 2022
- Application closed: 31 May 2023, 11:59 pm
Program objective
Local Land Services (South East) is offering grants for activities that reduce sediment and nutrients inputs to coastal catchments.
These projects provide a range of benefits to the landholders including erosion control, bank stabilisation, improved water quality, improved water use efficiency and improved livestock health.
The available funding streams are for:
riverbank vegetation improvements
riverbank stabilisation
improving roads and tracks
Clean Coastal Catchments, which targets primary producers.
This program is administered by Local Land Services.
Who can apply
Land managers within 2km of the upper tidal limit may apply for riverbank vegetation improvements, riverbank stabilisation and improving roads and tracks projects.
Primary producers within 10km of the upper tidal limit may apply for Clean Coastal Catchments projects.
Private and public land managers are eligible for funding. Partnerships with stakeholders can also be developed where relevant.
Land managers must be within the following prioritised catchments to be eligible for funding:
South Coast
| Eurobodalla
| Bega Valley
Who can’t apply
Land managers outside South East priority catchments.
Land managers with overdue or non-compliant contracts with Local Land Services.
Urban property owners.
Types of projects funded under this grant
Eligible activities must be associated with activities that primarily reduce direct sediment and nutrient run-off in coastal and estuarine water bodies.
Riverbank vegetation improvements and riverbank stabilisation activities funded under this grant include:
riverbank revegetation
riparian/estuarine fencing to enhance riverbank vegetation and/or exclude stock from waterways
off-stream watering points
erosion control works along riverbanks.
Roads and tracks proposed for improvements must be adjacent to a river or creek. Eligible activities include:
sealing of unsealed roads
improved drains
improved sediment capture structures
buffer enhancement projects using softer techniques (e.g. native grass plantings, weed matting, coir logs)
capacity building – training for local government road managers.
Primary producers may be eligible for the following additional activities under Clean Coastal Catchments:
irrigation/fertigation system evaluations and upgrades to existing production areas that reduce water use
effluent management systems evaluations and upgrades
nutrient management plans to identify and reduce nutrient loss
other activities that reduce diffuse agricultural pollution entering waterways may be considered.
Types of activities not funded under this grant
Activities that are not eligible for grants include:
activities which are considered statutory responsibility of individuals, groups or governments
works that are considered a normal obligation of the landholder
purchase of equipment or materials that are normally part of a landholder’s responsibility for the management of their property.
infrastructure required to develop additional production areas (e.g. new crop plantings, new roads & tracks, greenhouses and earthworks)
boundary fencing
replacement of vegetation at sites where this change will not lead to a reduction in nutrient exports
activities related to consent conditions on pre-existing Development Applications or other Local, State or Federal Government Orders
existing works where expenses have already been incurred
remediation works as directed by a compliance order.
Most recent recipients
What your application needs to include
Expressions of interest will need you to provide Contact Information such as:
Property Owner(s)
Primary Contact Person and contact details (telephone number, email)
Property Address
Title Information Lots/DPs
You will also be asked to provide a brief description of your project. For example, the activities you would like to undertake, what do you want to improve, why and how.
Prepare your application with this checklist
The information in the EOI will be reviewed by a MEMS project officer to determine whether the applicant meets the following criteria:
The applicant is eligible to apply.
The applicant meets all eligibility criteria.
The proposal fits within the parameters for eligible works.
Address the eligibility criteria
The project must reduce the movement of nutrients, farm chemicals or sediment from a property in the South East region.
The property is within the South East LLS region in priority catchment. Projects must be undertaken within the relevant distance from the upper tidal limit. Any works outside these catchments must be clearly justified and approved by the project team before they are eligible for funding.
Financial or in-kind contributions are required for grants unless the public benefit is significant.
Agreements will be sought for all successful projects. For on-ground works, 10-year management agreements with land managers will include responsibilities for maintenance.
Address the assessment criteria
Projects will be assessed and prioritised based on the following criteria:
A feasibility assessment including confidence in the proponent’s ability to complete the project.
The public benefit generated by the project.
Other strategic value, including protection of environmental assets.
Priorities identified in the NSW Marine Threat and Risk Assessment (TARA), Coastal Management Plans (CMPs) and a OEH Risk Based framework will be used to further guide priorities at a subcatchment scale.
For roads and tracks improvements, sites will be put through a prioritisation matrix which will assist strategic decisions being made on where to direct these funds and efforts.
Start the application
Applications for this grant are now closed.
After the application is submitted
Successful applications will be decided by: an assessment panel that makes funding recommendations, for the consideration and approval of the Decision Maker (Local Land Services, Manager with financial delegation).
The applications will be assessed and both successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified.
Support and contact
Phone: 0427 291 798