Key information
- Status: Closed
- Grant amount: Fellowships up to $7,500, Mentorships and Volunteer Placements up to $3500
- Application opened: 24 July 2024
- Application closed: 18 September 2024, 5:00 pm
Program objective
This professional development program provides staff and volunteers of museums, galleries, or Aboriginal cultural organisations with an opportunity to extend their knowledge, enrich their skills and cultivate new networks through access to the expertise and resources of larger or specialised cultural organisations.
Volunteer Placements provide volunteers from NSW volunteer managed museums, galleries, and Aboriginal cultural spaces with the opportunity to spend up to two weeks with staff and resources of larger or more specialised cultural organisations.
Mentorships provide opportunities for emerging and mid-level staff from NSW museums, galleries, and Aboriginal cultural organisations to spend two weeks with a state, national, or smaller, more specialised organisation.
Fellowships offer senior staff from NSW museums, galleries and Aboriginal cultural spaces the opportunity to spend two weeks at an international or interstate cultural organisation to build networks and develop skills.
This program is administered by Create NSW.
Who can apply
Mentorships and Fellowships
To be eligible you must:
- Be working in a paid position in a NSW public museum, gallery, or Aboriginal cultural space (staff based in major state or national cultural organisations are ineligible to apply)
- Be able to fulfil the placement between 1 July 2025 – 30 June 2026 over two consecutive weeks
- Agree to abide by the Terms & Conditions of the grant program
- Not have previously received an M&G NSW Mentorship or Fellowship
- Not have applied for, or received, Create NSW funding for the same activity.
Volunteer Placements
To be eligible to apply you must:
- Be a volunteer in a volunteer managed or small museum (maximum of 2 full-time equivalent paid staff), volunteer-run not for profit gallery, or Aboriginal cultural space in NSW.
- Be able to complete the placement between 1 July 2025 – 30 June 2026. (Up to 10 days, which may be spread over several weeks)
- Not have previously received an M&G NSW Volunteer Placement
- Agree to abide by the Terms & Conditions of the grant program (below)
- Not have applied for, or received, Create NSW funding for the same activity.
Types of projects funded under this grant
Not Applicable
When the project can start and end
The project should be started by 1 July 2025 and the project must be completed by 30 June 2026.
What your application needs to include
Prepare your application with this checklist
Requirements vary between funding categories. Please check guidelines for the stream you are applying for and contact M&G NSW for assistance if you have questions.
Address the eligibility criteria
Each applicant, as part of an application response, must confirm that they meet the eligibility criteria.
Applicants that do not address the eligibility criteria in full may be excluded from the application process at the department's discretion.
Start the application
- Contact the Training and Engagement Manager via email dalem@mgnsw or (02) 5663 2337 (Wed-Fri) to discuss your proposal before you submit your application
- Submit your application on the relevant online application form
- Submit the relevant support material:
- Attach an up-to-date copy of your CV (3 pages max.)
- Provide a letter of support from your employer or management body
- Provide a letter demonstrating endorsement by the host organisation if placement has not been facilitated through M&G NSW
- Fellowship applications should also submit a program of activity for their placement.
- You may choose to supply additional budget details (1 page max)
Note: If you are a new applicant to SmartyGrants, you will need to register and create a password. If you are already registered, you can log in with your existing username and password.
Apply now
After the application is submitted
Successful applications will be decided by: Create NSW
Applications are assessed by a panel of creative sector peers facilitated by M&G NSW and approved through Create NSW.
Where successful applicants do not match available hosts, M&G NSW will assist in obtaining alternate placement opportunities.
Anticipated assessment outcome date is We endevour to notify all applicants of the outcome within 90 days of the closing of the grant round.