These grants support organisations within Local Land Services’ Hunter region to restore and protect important habitats, including areas impacted by Black Summer Bushfires 2019-20 or associated refugia.
Key information
- Status: Closed
- Grant amount: $30,000-50,000 (with LALCs eligible to receive additional 20% for administration and project management of the total budget sought)
- Application opened: 16 January 2023
- Application closed: 20 March 2023, 6:00 pm
Program objective
The grants program will support projects that provide some or all of these activities:
- improve habitat quality or reduce threats for target species or vegetation through on ground works*
- support training or educational activities
- engage or involve landcare groups
- support Aboriginal employment, on the job mentoring or training programs
- fire management (ecological, cultural or asset protection)
- planning (including associated flora or fauna surveys, cultural heritage assessments).
*note, all projects must have on ground works component.
This program is administered by Local Land Services.
Who can apply
- Local Aboriginal Land Councils
- National Parks and Wildlife Service
- Forestry Corporation NSW
- local government
- crown lands.
Organisations must be located within the Hunter LLS region only.
Who can’t apply
Other land managers or organisations not listed above cannot apply for this grant.s program.
Types of projects funded under this grant
The following projects may be funded under this grants program.
- Weed control and community engagement weeds education project in a priority reserve.
- Cultural burning, biodiversity and cultural assessments and Indigenous ranger project on LALC managed lands.
- Biodiversity monitoring, pest animal control, fire and asset protection engaging Indigenous rangers and Landcare groups on a public land parcel.
Most recent recipients
What your application needs to include
You can read more in the NRM Partnerships-Guidelines 2022-23 Round 1 (PDF 2.89MB) (PDF 2.89MB). You can use the NRM Partnerships 2022 Budget Worksheet-Template (XLSX 24.34KB) (XLSX 24.34KB) to develop your budget.
Prepare your application with this checklist
- Identify your proposed site, and check it aligns with priority species and habitats, and priority sub catchment locations.
- Identify your key partners and community to be involved
- Ensure your project has an on ground activity
- Seek budgets/estimate costs and actions
- Draw a map of the site, and take photos of key locations to be managed in the project (before photos)
- Discuss your proposal with LLS staff
- Prepare your application form, and ensure you allow sufficient time to review with others
- Submit your application to or Private Bag 2010, Paterson NSW 2421
Address the eligibility criteria
- Must be within priority areas and for priority species/habitats or vegetation
- Public land managers and Local Aboriginal Land Councils eligible only
- Must implement eligible activities only
- All projects must include an on ground work component
- Must include maintenance activities (no minimum)
- Must include in kind /cash contributions (no minimum)
Address the assessment criteria
- Applicant must have met all eligibility requirements
- Projects benefit broader community, including Aboriginal employment or capacity building, or engagement or involvement with community, such as Landcare
- Conservation benefits-activities will support important or threatened vegetation or native fauna to the Hunter region and align to recovery plans, or other technical advice or plans
- Value for money- such as in kind, cash or other contributions
- Risk management-demonstrate risk management and ensure project success
- Maintenance- proposed maintenance activities and duration is appropriate
Start the application
Applications for this grant are available via the Grants portal through the Application form in the 'Apply now' button.
After the application is submitted
Successful applications will be decided by: Hunter Local Land Services.
The applications will be assessed and both successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified.
Support and contact
Main Contact for Application Submissions Support:
Abbey Henry - Main Contact for Application Submissions Support 560 109
Technical Advice/confirm priority species/listed vegetation-
Mid Coast/Manning Great Lakes:
Rye Gollan 325 125 Or Whitney Ridgeway (LALCs) 012 648
Lower Hunter:
Eva Twarkowski 056 978 or Toby Whaleboat (LALCs) 303 765
Upper Hunter:
Catherine Conroy 578 937 or Allison Warry (LALCs) 008 259