This program support landholders to reduce the impact of livestock on environmentally sensitive parts of the northern Murray-Darling Basin and contribute to the protection of native fish habitat.
Key information
- Status: Closed
- Grant amount: From $500
- Application opened: 5 May 2021
- Application closed: 30 June 2023
Program objective
The NSW Fencing Northern Basin Riverbanks Program aims to reduce the impact of livestock on environmentally sensitive parts of the northern Murray-Darling Basin and provide landholders with a practical means to contribute to the restoration and protection of native fish habitat.
The Program aims to provide a direct contribution to the enhancement of native fish outcomes for other government commitments in the northern Murray-Darling Basin.
Local Land Services is delivering the Fencing Northern Basin Riverbanks program in NSW.
The program is part of the Australian Government’s broader program for delivery of environmental measures in the northern Murray-Darling Basin.
This program is funded and administered by Local Land Services.
The northern Murray-Darling Basin is home to a network of rivers and wetlands that support a unique mix of ecosystems and Australian wildlife.
These ecosystems have evolved over thousands of years in response to the seasonal rainfall and flow patterns that feed the creeks, rivers and wetlands of the region.
The ‘riparian zone’ describes the land and plants that adjoin, influences or are influenced by a body of water, such as land bordering rivers, lakes, creeks, and wetlands on river floodplains that interact with the river during times of flood.
Healthy riparian zones support a high diversity of plant and animal life and are a key component of healthy ecosystems.
They help maintain bank stability, increase productivity, and help reduce run-off from sedimentation and agricultural chemical into waterways.
Good riparian conditions promote cleaner water, retention of soil and nutrients, and help reduce water temperature.
Who can apply
Land managers with properties within the NSW northern Murray-Darling Basin are eligible to submit an Expression of Interest under the program.
This includes:
- individuals
- groups
- non-government organisations
- not-for-profit organisations
- Local Government and
- State Government agencies (excluding core functions of government agencies).
If you are not the owner of the land (for example, a lessee), you will need the Land Owner’s signed consent to undertake your proposed project.
Who can’t apply
- individuals with outstanding requirements under previous NSW Local Land Services, the National Landcare Program or previous NSW Catchment Management Authority project contracts, including monitoring records
- individuals with outstanding contracts with NSW Local Land Services
- individuals with outstanding debt, including rates, owing to Local Land Services
- projects located outside the NSW northern Murray-Darling Basin
Types of projects funded under this grant
- stock-proof fencing: rivers, creeks, wetlands and gullies where fencing enables the control of stock access to riparian areas. Must be constructed with new materials and maintained throughout the project (10 years), preferably without barbed wire for native wildlife movement. Design can include conventional and/or electric fencing. Applicants should discuss minimum design requirements with their regional Local Land Services officers
- off-stream stock watering points: where the works compensate for water access lost by fencing
- weed removal/control: within fenced riparian areas (where stock access is minimised or excluded) and a 50m buffer zone adjacent to the project area
- native revegetation: for fenced riparian areas where stock access is minimised or excluded NSW Fencing Northern Basin Riverbanks Program – Guidelines and Conditions Local Land Services May 4 2021
- minor erosion control works: includes minor rock stabilisation works, and stock crossings where riparian areas have been fenced and protected
What can’t you apply for
work completed before or at the time of the project proposal is not eligible for funding
non-native re-seeding: The introduction of non-native, persistent and perennial species is not eligible
BAU activities: for which other Commonwealth, state or local government bodies have primary responsibility
activities outside northern Murray-Darling Basin catchments
activities related to post project completion costs: e.g. labour, operational and maintenance costs
projects that demonstrate no public benefit: projects that only benefit private individuals or enterprises within the community are not eligible for funding
Most recent recipients
What your application needs to include
Download the full guidelines:
NSW Fencing Northern Basin Riverbanks Program guidelines (PDF 995.12KB)
Prepare your application with this checklist
- presence of existing riparian fencing on neighbouring or nearby properties along the reach
- presence of riparian vegetation in good condition on neighbouring or nearby properties
- presence of Aboriginal cultural heritage artefacts or places of spiritual significance that would be protected by the project
- presence of significant point-source sedimentation that could be stabilised by the project
- presence of in-stream structural fish habitat and/or drought refugia, for example, deep pools, snags
- aquatic habitat areas identified for priority protection
- display strategic and cost effective approach
- alignment with best practice methods for chosen project activity.
Address the eligibility criteria
- your project may be used by Local Land Services for demonstration and/or promotional purposes with your consent
- applicants holding a current $10 million public liability insurance policy
- where an applicant is not the owner/Crown Land lessee of the land, specific permission will be required from the owner to implement the project. Owners will be required to co-sign your completed Regional Works Plan (your individual project plan)
- all on-ground works must be completed within an agreed timeframe from the date of contract execution
- successful projects will be required to complete an Aboriginal Cultural Heritage survey (further information in the guidelines, at Appendix 1: Conditions of Funding)
- costs related to the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage survey will be covered by NSW Local Land Services. Priority will be given to projects within target river reaches of the NSW northern Murray-Darling Basin (see guidelines, Figure 1)
Throughout the Program, priority will be given to:
- projects located in identified target river reaches. See map on page 5
- projects which connect riparian corridors along waterways and multiple properties. This may require partnerships with neighbouring landholders / collaborative projects between neighbouring landholders are welcome / encouraged
- projects which demonstrate a direct positive impact to target river reaches
- projects in areas adjacent to target river reaches may be considered, subject to assessment by the Program Steering Committee and approval by funding partners.
Address the assessment criteria
Assessment criteria includes:
- presence of existing riparian fencing on neighbouring or nearby properties along the reach
- presence of riparian vegetation in good condition on neighbouring or nearby properties
- presence of Aboriginal cultural heritage artefacts or places of spiritual significance that would be protected by the project
- presence of significant point-source sedimentation that could be stabilised by the project
- presence of in-stream structural fish habitat and/or drought refugia (e.g. deep pools, snags)
- aquatic habitat areas identified for priority protection
- display strategic and cost effective approach
- alignment with best practice methods for chosen project activity.
Start the application
Expressions of Interest for this grant are available on the Online EOI form.
You can download the full guidelines:
NSW Fencing Northern Basin Riverbanks Program guidelines (PDF 995.12KB)After the application is submitted
Successful applications will be decided by: Erlina St Vincent – Western LLS General Manager.
The applications will be assessed and both successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified.
Support and contact
Get more information on the Fencing Northern Basin Riverbanks Program.
Email the Program Team at
Contact your regional Local Land Services office.
Program evaluation
If your EOI is assessed as being eligible, Local Land Services staff will be available to assist you with developing your regional works plan.