Funding is available for properties in the Western Local Land Services to install fish diversion screen technology on pump intakes, to improve native fish populations and improve water efficiency to river water diverters.
Key information
- Status: Closed
- Grant amount: $5,000
- Application opened: 1 July 2022
- Application closed: 15 November 2023, 5:00 pm
Program objective
The Screening Our Streams project aims to help reduce impacts on native fish populations and improve the health of freshwater ecosystems by engaging with landholders to install fish-friendly diversion screen technology on their river pump intakes.
Outcomes under the project will be delivered via a competitively based incentives grants process, and a key component of the project will be a variety of awareness-raising activities to help promote the benefits of the technology.
Generating success stories and making them publicly available will be done through a variety of media and stakeholder communication and engagement activities. This includes:
- developing landholder case studies and associated print material and capturing film footage to share landholder stories
- utilising mainstream and social media, for example, NSW Local Land Services websites, e-newsletters and social media platforms at State and regional level
- (a one-stop information hub for modern screening)
- Landcare and NSW DPI Fisheries websites
- holding on-site demonstrations or tours.
The project will be targeting the Barwon-Darling, Lower Murrumbidgee, Lower Lachlan and Lower Murray Catchments.
Every year in Australia, millions of native fish, larvae and eggs are lost from natural waterways by being sucked into pumps. Since early European settlement, native fish populations are estimated to have decreased by 90% across the Murray-Darling Basin.
Implementing diversion screening technology is one way that landholders can help to ensure native fish populations are sustained and improved, while also directly improving the health of our waterways.
Recent studies have shown that commercially available fish diversion screens do not reduce pump velocity and therefore do not slow water delivery rates. For more information, see the Department of Primary Industries website.
Irrigators have reported that the installation of fish-friendly diversion screen technology is delivering water efficiency and quality outcomes to agribusiness enterprises. A reduced
need to clean pump and filter components due to less debris, including floating aquatic plant species, being sucked in through pump intakes means the frequency of flushing systems with water is reduced. Therefore, protecting pumps from clogging and allowing the pumps to operate at optimum performance levels.
By supporting landholders to install fish-friendly diversion screens and become champions of the technology, encouraging the ongoing promotion of the benefits to agribusiness and the environment, community confidence will be fostered, helping to dispel misconceptions and lead to increased uptake throughout the Basin and Australia wide.
This program is funded and administered by Local Land Services.
The total cost of installation will vary as each pump system requirements are different.
Applicants must research and determine the most suitable screen to fit their pump and system. This includes contacting the suppliers to provide pumping information to ascertain suitability.
As interest continues to increase and industry experts are coming on board, the suppliers may refer you to a local irrigation business for installation.
The screen must comply with the following NSW Department of Primary Industries Fisheries minimum standards to help sustain native fish populations:
- maximum 1 to 2mm aperture mesh
- approach velocity does not exceed 0.1m/sec (8cm in front of the screen face) when pump is operated at maximum flow rate
- able to spread velocity evenly across the screen face to avoid velocity hotspots
- maximum 1 to 2mm tolerance on gaps between moving parts
- incorporates some form of cleaning mechanism, that is not reliant on river flow alone to clean the screen.
Who can apply
The program is available to:
- individual landholders or organisations. The applicant must be the water access licence holder, or have written permission from the water access licence holder to apply
- individual landholders or organisations that are willing to pay for the remainder of the cost of the screen or screens for their pump system
- properties located within Western Local Land Services region.
Who can’t apply
The program is not available to:
- individual landholders or organisations with an outstanding monitoring activity or contract with Western Local Land Services or the former Catchment Management Authority
- individual landholders or organisations with outstanding debt, including rates, owing to Local Land Services
- individual landholders or organisations outside the Western Local Land Services region.
Types of projects funded under this grant
fish-friendly screen installation on irrigation pump intake
fish-friendly screen installation on stock and domestic pump intake.
There are a range of screens available in Australia that can be adapted to suit the needs of different water users and fish communities. The style and cost will differ due to the requirements of each site, such as intake size, pumping volume and flow rate.
What can’t you apply for
costs associated with the supply and installation of the screen that is above the amount of $5000
all associated costs of managing and maintaining the screen.
Most recent recipients
What your application needs to include
For full details, download the
Murray-Darling Healthy Rivers Screening our Streams 2022 to 2023 Guidelines (PDF 530.29KB)
Prepare your application with this checklist
Before submitting an application:
- contact suppliers to research which screen will suit the river conditions, diversion capacity and operation
- determine the total installation cost and be prepared to cover the balance of the cost above the grant amount ($5000 plus GST)
- ensure screen complies with the minimum standards set out in the
Murray-Darling Healthy Rivers Screening our Streams 2022 to 2023 Guidelines (PDF 530.29KB) - get a detailed quote outlining the total cost of the project, including installation from a supplier.
All figures included in the quote must indicate GST and provide evidence that the screen meets the minimum standards detailed above.
Address the eligibility criteria
Applications will be assessed on:
- evidence of compliance with NSW DPI Fisheries minimum standards
- applicant eligibility:
- the applicant must be the water access licence holder, or have written permission from the licence holder to apply
- property is located within Western Local Land Services region.
- and agreement with the conditions of funding.
Please ensure:
- you can meet conditions for fish-friendly screen installation to protect native fish and improve water efficiency in the Western region
- you are able to submit a quote for a screen that will be suitable for your system within 30 days of notification if your application is approved for funding
- you are able to purchase the screen and provide evidence to submit the first invoice for payment. The second and final payment will be made upon installation.
Start the application
Applications are now closed.
- Fill out the EOI Screening Our Streams form (DOCX 88.09KB) and include a photo of your pump with the form.
Email your EOI to:
Or mail to:
Western Local Land Services
Screening our Streams
Project PO Box 363
Buronga NSW 2739.
Note: Applications will be assessed in order of receipt, therefore mailed applications may be disadvantaged.
After the application is submitted
Successful applications will be decided by: An internal panel consisting of Western Local Land Services Communities Team Leader and staff with relevant expertise.
Applications will be assessed as they are received until funding has been fully allocated. Both successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified.
Successful applicants
Western Local Land Services will provide $5000 plus GST, towards the supply and installation of a fish-friendly diversion screen.
The first payment of 75% will be paid upon contract sign-off and confirmation of the order, with the remaining payment of 25% paid upon installation.
Support and contact
Phone: 0429 981 331
Postal Address: PO Box 363 Buronga NSW 2739
Program evaluation
Applications closed on Wednesday 15 November 2023.