The Surf Club Facility Program is part of the NSW Government’s ongoing commitment to support the upgrade of local Surf Life Saving Clubs. Category 1 is for facility improvement projects.
Key information
- Status: Closed
- Grant amount: From $30,000 to $100,000
- Application opened: 7 November 2023
- Application closed: 11 December 2023, 1:00 pm
Program objective
The NSW Government recognises the critical role Surf Life Saving Clubs have in local communities delivering on-beach safety, training and education and keeping people active and connected. The Program is in its seventh year, and since round one (2017/2018) the NSW Government has invested over $23 million in Surf Life Saving Clubs to create fit-for-purpose facilities in local communities to increase participation, access, and safety on our NSW beaches. In the 2023/24 Budget the NSW government announced an additional $5 million over four years to enhance the Program. The 2023/2024 round will continue to support the upgrade, expansion, and construction of new, safe and inclusive Surf Club facilities in NSW.
The Program aims to assist eligible Surf Life Saving Clubs throughout NSW to create new and upgraded inclusive and accessible facilities incorporating best practice design principles that:
- Increase participation in sport and recreation for everyone but particularly for women and girls, people with disability, First Nations People, people from culturally and linguistically diverse communities, and LGBTQIA+ people
- Increase the use of Surf Life Saving facilities by other community groups and/or the public
- Improve safety at Surf Life Saving facilities and the beaches they patrol
- Improve the financial and/or environmental sustainability of surf clubs.
Funding availability
The NSW Government has allocated up to $5,250,000 for this Program in 2023/24.
In 2023/24, the Program will take applications across three (3) funding categories. The three categories have been designed so that the requirements for grant applications are scaled according to project size and complexity.
The categories are defined by the total project cost of the scope of works for which you are applying.
Category 1 - Facility Improvements Projects - Projects with a total project cost less than $100,000
Provides grants from $30,000 up to $100,000 per project. Grant requests in this category do not require a co-contribution, however, organisations may contribute to the project, and this will be considered favourably during the merit assessment process.
Category 2 - Small-Medium Construction Projects - Projects with a total project cost from $100,000 up to $500,000
Provides grants from $30,000 up to $400,000 per project. Applications in this category require a financial co-contribution that is a minimum 25% of the grant amount requested.
In this category, applicants that cannot meet the funding co-contribution expectation may apply for financial hardship.
Category 3 - Large Construction Projects - Projects with a total project cost of $500,000 or more
Provides grants from $30,000 up to $1,000,000 per project. Applications in this category require a financial co-contribution that is at least equal to, or greater than the grant amount requested.
In this category, applicants that cannot meet the funding co-contribution expectation may apply for financial hardship.
This program is administered by Department of Creative Industries, Tourism, Hospitality and Sport.
This program is funded by Office of Sport.
Who can apply
Eligible applicants are:
- Surf Life Saving Clubs in NSW; or
- Surf Life Saving NSW Branches. Branches are able to apply for surf club related works e.g., storage sheds for emergency equipment but they will only be considered after all eligible applications from Surf Life Saving Clubs in the round receive funding.
Applicants must have Public Liability Insurance with a minimum $20 million cover however, in exceptional circumstances, the Office of Sport may, in its sole discretion, consider a lower amount of cover based on the nature and risks of the particular project. The determination will be made on the level of risk posed by a proposed project. If an applicant proposes Public Liability Insurance cover lower than $20 million then they must outline the exceptional circumstances warranting that lower amount of insurance cover.
Types of projects funded under this grant
Applications must be limited to constructing new or enhancing existing surf clubs that demonstrate inclusive and accessible design. Priority will be given to surf club facilities identified as:
- Being in poor or unserviceable condition
- Addressing a demonstrated need for the community
- High urgency to address facility building compliance requirements.
Examples of eligible project types and project components for all categories include:
- New and upgraded provision of universally designed* change rooms and/or shower, toilets and parent and child change areas.
- Environmental and operational sustainable initiatives that support water, energy and financial sustainability. For example, solar panels and/or batteries, rainwater tanks for reuse in toilets or LED lighting.
- Digital technology uplift projects, including installation of WIFI, keyless entry, increased automation and other innovative smart technologies.
- Projects that improve the storage, security and safety capability of surf clubs for example extension or construction of board storage room, bushfire protection measures on the facility, new roller or access doors.
- Fixed and non-fixed items that are part of a larger capital improvement project scope, g. portable storage racks for rescue boards or beach access mats for wheelchairs. The cost of non-fixed items cannot exceed 25% of the grant amount requested.
- Projects that improve safety on the beach, for example lifeguard surveillance rooms or improvements to beach access for rescue and patrol vehicles
- Contingency relevant to the size and complexity of the project, as a guide:
- Category 1 projects - contingency generally will not be required for these projects and should not be included in the budget, unless it can be justified.
- Category 2 projects - contingency at least 5% - 10% of total project cost should be included.
- Category 3 projects - contingency at least 10% - 20% of total project cost should be included, plus cost escalation if required.
Applicants for Category 2 and 3 projects are encouraged to use and include the cost of an external project manager which is limited to 5% of the total project cost. Note, this is not applicable where local Council will be undertaking the project on behalf of an eligible applicant, unless the Council is employing an external project management company.
When the project can start and end
Projects in this category must be completed within 12 months of notification of program outcome.
The project must be completed by 30 April 2025.
Who can’t apply
Ineligible applicants are any organisation types not listed in the ‘Eligible applicants’ section, and include (but are not limited to):
- Organisations not affiliated with Surf Life Saving NSW
- Individuals
- Local Government Authorities, however, where the Council will be managing the project on behalf of the applicant Surf Club, the Office of Sport will enter into a tri-partite funding agreement with the Council and successful applicant. Local Government Authorities are encouraged to contribute to projects which will be considered as part of the financial co-contribution.
An eligible organisation will be deemed not eligible for funding under this program if they are an organisation named: by the National Redress Scheme for Institutional Child Sexual Abuse on its list of institutions that have not joined or signified their intent not to join the Scheme; or in the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse that has not yet joined the National Redress Scheme.
Types of projects not funded under this grant
Ineligible projects are any projects or project components that don’t meet the “Eligible projects” section and include but are not limited to:
- Facilities that are not used primarily for Surf Life Saving activities
- Purchase or lease of land/facility
- Projects that involve the development of private or commercial ventures unrelated to the Surf Life Saving Club facility.
- Costs associated with preparing and submitting the funding application
- Costs associated with feasibility, design, or development stages including feasibility studies, business cases and masterplans
- Items that do not meet relevant Australian Standards
- Retrospective funding, where projects have commenced construction or are completed prior to the execution of a funding agreement
- Related primarily to operational expenditure, including but not limited to insurance
- General maintenance or minor repairs required following normal wear and tear (e.g. painting)
- Repair of facilities where the damage can be covered by insurance
- Administration costs with the exception of direct external / independent project management costs, limited to 10% of the grant amount requested
- Purchase of portable equipment including office equipment, rescue and training equipment such as surf boards, stop watches, sails on boats, flagpoles etc that are not part of a facility fit out.
- Projects that have already been funded by the NSW Government unless significant new and additional scope is identified.
Please Note:
Project budget should not include any ineligible costs and these will be removed by assessors if included, at the absolute discretion of the Office of Sport.
What co-contributions are required
Grant requests in this category do not require a co-contribution, however, organisations may contribute to the project, and this will be considered favourably during the merit assessment process.
Most recent recipients
What your application needs to include
Prepare your application with this checklist
All applications should provide:
- Evidence confirming all financial co-contribution sources (where applicable).
- Development approval, application, or exemption. Where a development application is required but not yet approved, this will be required as a stage gate requirement.
- Approval from landowner for project to proceed (where the applicant is the landowner, evidence to demonstrate this). This must be on the Office of Sport template – see “Available supporting documents”.
- Current images of current facility/development site.
- Quotes that clearly detail items/scope of works. Any quotes provided must be on company letterhead from the organisation that supplies the goods or services.*
- For larger construction projects a cost estimate prepared by a Quantity Surveyor is preferred. *
- Evidence of Public Liability Insurance (must be provided if successful).
- Letter of support from Surf Life Saving NSW.
* Quotes and Cost estimates that are recent (within 3-6 months) will be given higher rating. Applications where three quotes are provided will be given a higher rating than only one or two quotes.
Address the eligibility criteria
Each applicant, as part of an application response, must confirm that they meet the eligibility criteria.
Applicants that do not address the eligibility criteria in full may be excluded from the application process at the department's discretion.
Address the assessment criteria
Criterion 1: Strategic justification (40%)
Describe how this project aligns with the aim of the Program and to one or more of the objectives of this Program:
- Increase participation in sport and recreation for everyone but particularly for women and girls, people with disability, First Nations peoples, people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities, and LGBTQIA+ people.
- Increase the use of Surf Life Saving facilities by other community groups and/or the public.
- Improve safety at Surf Life Saving facilities and the beaches they patrol.
- Improve the financial and/or environmental sustainability of surf clubs.
Criterion 2: Project scope and design principles (30%)
Describe a clear scope of works proposed for the project and components that are to be delivered.
Demonstrate how the proposed project will meet an identifiable need within your community e.g. photos of current conditions, notice of non-compliance, WHS logs, etc. Priority will be given to projects who clearly demonstrate the need and/or urgency.
Identify and describe how the project has incorporated one or more of the following design principles:
- Inclusive and universal design (compulsory)
- Functional design
- Environmentally sustainable/climate change resilient design (preferred)
- Operational sustainability
- New technology & innovative approaches
- Future proof – flexible and adaptable
- Health and safety
- Alignment to technical specification and facility design guides.
Criterion 3: Project affordability and deliverability (30%)
Provide evidence of landowner(s) consent for the project.
Provide evidence of Development Application approval (if required) or demonstrate that a Development Application is not required. Failure to provide evidence in relation to the development application may result in an application being set aside from further consideration at the Office of Sport’s absolute discretion.
Provide a clear project budget. The budget should clearly identify the project costs and clearly identify the project components that will be funded by the grant and the components to be funded by the applicant.
Provide evidence of robust itemised cost planning and include supporting documentation (e.g. quotes from relevant suppliers). Provision of more than one quote will be weighted more highly.
Provide evidence of approval for committed financial co-contribution(s), where relevant e.g. a letter from your organisation stating you have the funds available for this project or another source.
Provide a project plan that illustrates key project tasks and forecast delivery timeline that demonstrates your ability to complete the project within 12 months of notification.
Applicant meets key obligations for other Office of Sport funded projects where there is/has been a funding agreement with the applicant.
As noted above, where any ineligible costs have been included in the budget, these will be removed by the assessors and the application assessed on this basis.
Start the application
Step 1 Check your eligibility
- See Eligible applicants section of these Guidelines to see which organisations can apply for funding.
- If you are not eligible, you can partner with an eligible organisation, although they will need to be the applicant organisation and submit the application
Step 2 Understand the requirements
- Before you apply, please read these guidelines and related materials to make sure you understand all relevant requirements, including whether you are eligible to apply.
- You can find the relevant information on the Office of Sport’s website:
Step 3 Prepare your application
- Gather your evidence including letters of support, funding commitments, development approvals/exemptions, images/plans, quotes, participation data etc.
- The Office of Sport recommends that applicants familiarise themselves with the online application form ahead of preparing the application and plan to submit ahead of the closing date to reduce the risk of missing the deadline.
- To submit a complying application all mandatory fields must be completed, and mandatory support documents should be uploaded and submitted.
- Applying for a grant is a simple process using the SmartyGrants platform.
- SmartyGrants offers a tool, SmartyFile that allows organisations to collaborate with team members, pre-fill information into forms and manage, view, search and sort submissions across multiple funders in one spot. Applicants with an ABN can use this function.
- For questions relating to the grants program or for specific assistance with the online system, email the Office of Sport Grants Unit at or call 13 13 02 during standard office hours.
Step 4 Submit your application
- Complete your application by filling in each of the sections.
- Upload all required supporting documentation.
- Submit your application before the closing date and time.
- Projects must be submitted through the SmartyGrants website to be considered eligible.
Successful submissions will be issued with a SmartyGrants system generated acknowledgement email containing a PDF copy of the application which will confirm the time the application was submitted.
Note: If you are a new applicant to SmartyGrants, you will need to register and create a password. If you are already registered, you can log in with your existing username and password.
Apply now
After the application is submitted
Successful applications will be decided by: Minister for Sport
The Office of Sport will support the Grant Assessment Panel by conducting a preliminary assessment (including of hardship requests) of all eligible applications against the Program criteria and provide administrative support.
A Grant Assessment Panel with representatives from the NSW Office of Sport, and an independent member will consider each application and supporting evidence submitted, to score each project against the assessment criteria and determine the final merit assessment score and whether a hardship request is accepted. A representative from Surf Life Saving NSW will be present at the Grant Assessment Panel meeting as a subject matter expert but will not be a member of the Grant Assessment Panel or part of the decision-making process.
During the assessment process, the Grant Assessment Panel may apply a minimum scoring requirement to one or more of the criteria. Where an application does not meet a minimum scoring requirement, the Grant Assessment Panel reserves the right to remove the application from further consideration.
If ineligible project scope and components are included in the application and seek grant funding, the Grant Assessment Panel will adjust the requested grant amount accordingly. The Grant Assessment Panel may, by agreement recommend a reduced grant amount at their discretion.
Anticipated assessment outcome date is April 2024 onwards.
Anticipated date for funding deed execution with successful applicants is within 6 weeks of notification of outcome.
Support and contact
Office of Sport
Sports Grants
13 13 02 (option 5, then option 2)