About the Project
The Grounds of Varuna project will upgrade the 140 m2 architect-designed building to provide an accessible venue, workshop and office space in the grounds of Varuna, the National Writers’ House. The building will enable Varuna to create a thriving cultural hub for workshops, literary events, writing groups and community programs.
Project Scope
This project will result in:
- 12 book launch events
- 6 half-day or full-day writing workshops
- 40 meetups of the seniors' writing group
- 12 meetups of writing for wellbeing group
- 20 (one per fortnight, term-time) book discussion groups
- 12 visiting writers-in-conversation events
- 12 events in partnership with other cultural organisations (speaker talks, spoken word)
- 2 internship opportunities (110 hours each)
- 4 schools events
- 4 volunteer-run bush care working bees
Fast Facts
Project Updates

Progress Summary
Next Steps