Draft conservation strategies 2024
What’s this about?
The Saving our Species program is seeking feedback on draft conservation strategies for threatened species under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016.
Species management in NSW develop conservation strategies under Saving our Species for threatened species, ecological communities, and many key threatening processes.
The strategies inform threatened species management in NSW.
There are 65 draft conservation strategies available for public comment.
Each conservation strategy details the critical sites or priority areas for the entity, critical threats and management actions to address those threats.
This public consultation period provides an important opportunity for community members to have your say in the management of threatened species in NSW.
Have your say
Have your say by Friday 31 May 2024.
You can provide your feedback in 3 ways.
Online consultation
Postal submission
Address: Draft Saving our Species conservation strategies Threatened Species and Ecosystems Branch Department of Planning and Environment, Locked Bag 5022, Parramatta, NSW 2124.
Consultation period
More information
Email: Project team
Phone: 02 9995 5000
Agency Website
Consultation Website