Managing Sydney Harbour parks

NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service is seeking feedback on the 20 year vision and approach for the use and management of Strickland Estate and Nielsen Park.
Strickland House, Sydney Harbour National Park
Strickland House, Sydney Harbour National Park

Image copyright

Tommy Ramsay/DPE

What’s this about?

The draft master plan has been prepared to protect, conserve, and promote the spectacular natural, cultural and historic heritage of Strickland Estate, Nielsen Park and Hermitage Foreshore Track, Sydney Harbour National Park and build a valued legacy for future generations.

The draft master plan identifies and outlines:

  • the vision and guiding principles for the joint site
  • visitor experiences including day use, activities and events
  • landscaping and interpretation concepts
  • public access and circulation
  • vehicular and traffic management
  • park management aspects including essential services
  • proposed uses for buildings.

The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service welcomes community feedback.

You can view the draft masterplan on the Department of Planning and Environment website.

Have your say

Have your say by Wednesday 15 February 2023.

You can submit your feedback two ways, listed below.

Online consultation

22 December 2022 to 15 February 2023

Interactive map


22 December 2022 to 15 February 2023


Consultation period

From:22 December 2022
To:15 February 2023

See consultation methods

More information

Email: Project team
Phone: 1300 361 967
Agency Website
Consultation Website

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