NSW Child Protection Legal Conference
The conference was held on Thursday 26 and Friday 27 May 2022 at the International Convention Centre, Sydney.

About the conference

NSW Child Protection Legal Conference 2022:
My Life, My Culture - Our Future
Reflecting the commitment to keep children at the centre of child protection law and practice, My Life, My Culture - Our Future will examine how practitioners can best navigate children and their families through the child protection legal system, while addressing their psychological, emotional, health and social welfare.
This interdisciplinary conference is hosted by the NSW Children's Court, Legal Aid NSW, the Office of the Children's Guardian and the NSW Department of Communities and Justice.
Highlights from the 2022 conference
Lawyers, judicial officers, social workers, clinicians, academics, researchers and others convened over two days to hear about current issues, recent developments and case law, research outcomes and interdisciplinary best practice in areas related to child protection.
Catch up on highlights from the conference and access recordings of the sessions.
View highlights
eastMeet the speakers

Dr Sarah Kastelic



Cassandra Bennett

Magistrate D Maher



Dr Fiona Oates
eastSupported by

Contact us
If you have any questions please contact us.
Email: NSWLegalConference@facs.nsw.gov.au
Phone: (02) 8753 9195