Crown Lands in the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure has appointed six new board members to manage the affairs of the wetlands for up to five years.
The new board members are Jed Field, Samantha Willis, James Schmidt, Allan Benson, Megan Rice and an ex-officio member from Central Coast Council. Their appointments follow the process of an expression of interest seeking applicants.
The appointees were selected due to their combinations of marketing, business and financial skills, along with environment consulting experience.
Two appointees - Jed Field and Samantha Willis - are existing board members and will ensure continuity, experience and corporate knowledge are retained and available to the new board.
The new board will manage the site on behalf of the NSW Government to help enhance the Crown reserve as an outstanding recreational, environmental and community parkland for the Central Coast.
Future tasks for the board will including development and consultation on a masterplan, scoping of potential infrastructure upgrades, a sustainable business model for the reserve, and engaging and supporting volunteers in the ongoing maintenance and environmental management of the site.
Minister for Lands and Property Steve Kamper said:
“Crown land reserves are held in trust for communities and I thank the volunteer members for devoting their time and skills to help manage the Central Coast Wetlands-Pioneer Dairy.
“This beautiful reserve is a natural paradise home to hundreds of bird species and enormous plant and animal biodiversity so we want to ensure it is preserved for both current and future generations.”
Minister for the Central Coast David Harris said:
“Central Coast Wetlands – Pioneer Dairy is an environmental and community gem that is home to important agricultural heritage and 155-hectares of woodland, wetland and open paddocks, making it the region’s biggest area of open space for public access.
“The new board will help ensure the community helps drive the future of this important reserve so that it can continue to be a highly popular spot for families, nature lovers and community groups.”