Landholders who submit a survey will also be supporting the Royal Flying Doctor Service with LLS to make a donation for each survey completed.
Previous survey results have played an important role shaping the programs, projects and planning of Western Local Land Services to ensure its meeting the needs of landholders across Western NSW as well as identify regional trends.
Some of the interesting findings from the 2020 survey include:
- 15,000 hectares — average property size
- 340km — average distance to the closest market for farm products
- 88% — of landholders experienced issues with pest animals.
In addition to the Regional Landholder Survey, Western Local Land Services is calling for input into its Aboriginal Community Survey, with results to be used to inform the delivery of future projects and programs.
The Regional Landholder Survey can be completed online via Western Local Land Services Regional Landholder Survey
The Aboriginal Community Survey will be completed via a hardcopy form at organised community events.
The surveys take approximately 60 minutes to complete and results will be pooled so participants cannot be identified.
For more information, contact Sam Field on 0427 256 501 or
Minister for Agriculture Tara Moriarty said:
“These surveys are an opportunity for western NSW farmers and land holders to have a say in shaping the services and support provided by the NSW Government.
“They are also a way for aboriginal communities to add their voice to shaping projects and programs across the Western Local Land Services region.
“Landholders also have the added incentive of knowing they can complete a survey and it supports the Royal Flying Doctor Service.
“I encourage western NSW communities to get involved and complete the Western Local Land Services Regional Landholder Survey today.”