This project, funded by $3.8 million from the NSW Government and $1.8 million from the Australian Government, is now complete.
Contractors engaged by NSW Public Works recently remediated the 1.5-hectare site, which has been an eyesore blighting the entrance to the town for the past decade.
Materials were carefully disassembled and removed during the three-month clean-up operation, with 95 per cent of items including door frames, insulation, roof sheeting and timber trusses recycled and provided to locals for free, saving 65 tonnes of useful materials from landfill.
Crews have hydro mulched the site to prevent dust spread and a new perimeter fence was erected around the formerly derelict site, which has been a long-term target for local vandals.
The Department of Regional NSW will work closely with Warrumbungle Shire Council and the community on future plans for the site, including consultation with locals in the coming months about options to activate the site and potentially build independent living units.
Planners will also consider if new accommodation at the site could support the work already underway by EnergyCo as part of the Central-West Orana Renewable Energy Zone.
The original Warrumbungle Shire Council Three Rivers project included the construction of 27 independent living units as well as a community centre, community garden, and an agricultural education facility.
Construction commenced in 2014 but was stalled due to legal proceedings between Warrumbungle Shire Council and the builder.
A legal settlement was reached in December 2022 and NSW Public Works was engaged in mid-2023 to clean up the site.
Minister for Regional NSW Tara Moriarty said:
“I’m so glad that progress has finally been made at the Three Rivers site at Dunedoo.
“Having seen the derelict site while driving into the town on the Golden Highway I know what a thorn in the side it has been for locals for all of these years to have this defunct project marring the entry to their otherwise beautiful town.
“With the site now cleared, options for its future development are able to be scoped and considered and the future looks very bright for Dunedoo.”
Member for Barwon Roy Butler said:
"The remediation of the Three Rivers site will hopefully help the Dunedoo community and Warrumbungle Shire Council heal from a long and painful process. This site has been a visual reminder of a failed contract and protracted litigation, so I'm really happy for the Dunedoo community.
This site could be a huge asset for the town. I encourage the community to get involved and have a say about how the site should be utilised in the future, with the NSW Government and Warrumbungle Shire Council consulting with locals in the coming months.”
Warrumbungle Shire Council Mayor, Councillor Ambrose Doolan said:
“This has been a long time coming for the Dunedoo Community and to now have a cleared we are only looking forward into the future prospects of this site.
“Council, along with the Dunedoo Community, are looking forward for future developments on this site for our community.”