The new Helensburgh Police Station will replace the existing demountable site on Waratah Street and will accommodate up to eight officers on any shift. Previously, just three officers could be accommodated.
The modular design will manage and hold all the required operational policing equipment, provide secure parking for police vehicles and stand as a modern and permanent facility to replace the previous building that is no longer fit for purpose.
A first response police vehicle will be stationed at the new site, providing 24/7 coverage of the area and a dedicated, highly visible resource. The region is also supported by specialist resources.
The new station will increase Wollongong Police District’s ability to maintain a visible presence and support community safety in the northern sector of the Command.
It will also see officers return to the area as the current demountable is not operational due to not meeting work health and safety standards. Currently, officers are deployed from Wollongong to the northern suburbs.
The NSW Labor Government promised to upgrade the existing Helensburgh Police Station during its first term, if elected to form government in 2023. Today, the Government is delivering on that important commitment.
The demolition of the current police station is set to begin next month.
The NSW Government is committed to the long-term plan of reinvesting in our essential services with both physical infrastructure as well as the people who run the services the people of NSW need.
It builds on our commitment to attract more people to the force to address the chronic shortage of officers left by the former government by:
- abolishing the wages cap;
- setting up a new scheme to pay students to study to become an officer; and
- two recently announced programs specifically aimed at attracting both experienced officers and regional recruits.
Premier Chris Minns said:
“Our government is reinvesting in our essential workers and our frontline services.
“Policing is a very difficult job. It's not an easy profession, and this government is committed to ensuring our police officers have the facilities they need to keep people safe.”
Minister for Police and Counter-terrorism Yasmin Catley said:
“After more than a decade of empty promises and inaction from the previous Liberal Government, this Labor Government is finally ending the talk and starting construction.
“For too long, the Helensburgh community has been served a forever promise. The new Helensburgh Police Station shows this Government’s commitment to supporting community safety and ensuring our hardworking police have the facilities and resources they need.
“Our police work tirelessly to serve and protect their community and I am determined to support them in every way I can. That’s why we’ve announced a suite of recruitment measures, including paid study, to get more boots on the ground and help prevent crime.”
Member for Heathcote Maryanne Stuart said:
“I am delighted that after 12 years of inaction by the former government that Helensburgh will now have an upgraded police station and room for officers and vehicles based there to serve the Northern Illawarra.
“I thank the people of Helensburgh and the Northern Illawarra for your belief in me when committing to deliver an upgraded Police Station for this wonderful community at the 2023 election.
“I’m proud to be part of a government that is getting on with the job of providing a police presence in the Northern Illawarra that is effective for the community and the police officers serving in the area.
“The government, community and police are looking forward to this upgrade and we are looking forward to its completion, with Police staffed locally in this station. The people of Helensburgh and Northern Illawarra deserve nothing less.”
NSW Police Commissioner Karen Webb APM said:
“This new station will provide a much-needed presence in the northern suburbs of Wollongong, allowing officers to respond to the growing needs of residents.
“Up to eight officers can work from the purpose-built station, which will provide modern facilities for police to operate from.
“The people of the Illawarra will now have greater access to policing and the new station will service their needs providing a high visibility presence in the community.”