This plan has several important principles:
- Instead of selling a number of public housing properties, we have refurbished 35 vacant properties in Glebe to boost social housing in inner Sydney and provide more safe homes for those in need. Five properties had already been restored, with 21 currently undergoing renovations and nine more slated for restoration.
- Stopping the previous Government’s proposed redevelopment of the Franklyn Street Estate, which was causing unnecessary stress for tenants and not delivering a substantial uplift in social and affordable housing.
- Delivering a significant increase in public housing dwellings at 82 Wentworth Park Road, which will see 17 dwellings increase to 43 new modern, accessible, energy efficient homes.
Minister for Housing and Homelessness Rose Jackson said:
"We have inherited a social housing system that has been neglected for over a decade, we want to rebuild our housing system to prioritise the people of NSW. The restoration of these properties in Glebe reflects our unwavering commitment to providing quality homes for vulnerable people right across Sydney, including in our inner city.”
"We have recognised the potential to restore these properties to a quality standard to meet the increasing demand for inner city social housing.”
Minister Jackson reiterated that the previous government’s plans to redevelop social housing at the Franklyn Street Estate, Glebe has been stopped, keeping these vital homes for people in need.
"We recognise that the proposed redevelopment of the Franklyn Street has caused sustained disruption for tenants, our priority is to provide clarity and stability for their housing needs,” Ms Jackson said.
“Inner city social housing is so important and by putting a stop on the redevelopment of Franklyn Street we can focus on delivering projects that genuinely deliver more social homes, like the proposed new homes at 82 Wentworth Park Road, Glebe.
“The NSW Government will deliver and manage the increase of 17 existing public housing dwellings into 43 new, safe and secure homes.
“This site will be 100 per cent public housing owned and delivered by the soon to be created Homes NSW, offering 43 new one- and two-bedroom apartments that are accessible, energy efficient and fit for purpose. Existing tenants will be offered the option to temporarily relocate to the local area and a right of return to the new homes when they are built.”
Ms Jackson said:
“We recognise that communication around decision making to tenants hasn’t been good enough, and we are committed to improving that. We have asked for dedicated staff to manage tenant communication and the creation of Homes NSW is intended to deliver a clearer, centralised agency to manage interactions with tenants.
“We know that there is more to be done and every opportunity we have to deliver more homes for the growing housing wait list – we will take it.”
This commitment to more local social housing is also demonstrated by the continued construction of 75 new social apartments at Cowper Street, Glebe which remains on track and forecast for completion in early 2025, replacing 19 original social homes.
This announcement builds on the NSW Government’s commitment to addressing homelessness. We have committed to:
- 30% social and affordable housing.
- A 2 year extension of Specialist Homelessness Services (SHS) contracts. The end date for these contracts will change from 30 June 2024 to 30 June 2026. Providing stability and continuity for some of the state's most vulnerable people.
- From 1 July people in temporary accommodation won’t need to complete a Rental Diary to demonstrate they are actively looking for housing. Women and children escaping domestic violence and flood victims are just some of the people temporary accommodation.
- A 12 month freeze on the requirement to complete seeker diaries while the scheme is thoroughly reviewed and assessed.