Community Cabinet gives members of the community an opportunity to engage with the NSW Premier Chris Minns and Cabinet Ministers about key local priorities and issues that concern them most.
The visits to communities across NSW provide the state’s key decision-makers with important local insights so the government, in partnership with the community, can find better ways to deliver key services.
The East Hills Community Cabinet, to be held at Club Condell Park, will include a Community Forum from 12pm-1pm. Local residents, businesses and stakeholders are encouraged to attend the Q&A-style forum to ask the Premier and Cabinet Ministers questions about matters of importance to their community.
During the visit, the Premier and Cabinet Ministers will also meet with local representatives from key organisations to gain further awareness into life in the local area and identify opporutnities to improve government services that best meet the needs of the community.
East Hill residents can register to attend the Community Forum. by visiting Community Cabinet or by phoning 02 9228 5188 by Friday 8 March.
The inaugural Community Cabinet forum for the Minns Government was held in July 2023 in Penrith. Previous Governments have also held Community Cabinets at various locations across New South Wales.
The Minns Government is committed to hearing from communities across the state and will announce further Community Cabinet events for 2024 soon.
NSW Premier Chris Minns said:
"Community Cabinet is an important event where we engage in meaningful discussions with residents in NSW who can speak directly to the government about their local area.
"I believe the best way to receive feedback and new ideas is face-to-face and directly from the people we serve – and my colleagues and I are looking forward to the next community cabinet in East Hills.”
Kylie Wilkinson, Member for East Hills said:
“It’s not every day that Macquarie Street visits a community, so I look forward to welcoming the Premier and Cabinet to my electorate of East Hills.
“Community Cabinet provides a unique opportunity for residents’ voices to be heard directly by government.
“I invite all residents to register to attend and encourage them to have their say. Together, we can help shape our community into the future and for the better.”