Applications open on 4 October and have previously been used to fund rehabilitation of coastal wetlands, among other vital projects.
Community organisations, local councils and natural resource managers across the state have until 15 November 2023 to apply for funding for their projects to improve habitat for native fish.
The Flagship Grants program builds on the existing Habitat Action Grants program and seeks to target much larger scale projects that require higher levels of funding assistance.
These grants offer a rare opportunity for regional fishing clubs or organisations to significantly improve fish habitats and fishing opportunities within their local creek, river or estuary.
Previous Flagship Grants have also included funding for:
- rehabilitation of significant riparian lands / coastal wetlands (river banks, mangrove forests, saltmarsh), including addressing poor water quality from the disturbance of acid sulfate soils;
- removal or modification of barriers to fish passage including addressing floodgates, road-crossings and construction of fishways;
- re-snagging of waterways with timber structures; and
- environmentally sensitive bank stabilisation works, including riparian restoration where these works are identified and part of a large-scale remediation program.
Minister for Agriculture Tara Moriarty said:
“I am excited to support funding that enables long-term benefits to local fish habitats and recreational fisheries. I want to see as many submissions as possible.
“The Flagship Grants are supported with funds from the NSW Recreational Fishing Trusts and are a great example of how recreational fishing licence fee funds are reinvested to improve recreational fishing.
“Ultimately, these Flagship Grants are about making sure we have functional fish habitats and happy native fish here in NSW.
Visit the Department of Primary Industries for more information and to apply for this round.