Community gaming forms and resources
Application forms to help you run a community gaming activity in NSW
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Apply for an authority
Community gaming events
You can apply for an authority to conduct a community gaming event with this form.
Simply download and complete the form, then send it to
Community gaming authority application
Trade promotions
If you are applying for an authority to run a trade promotion, you can use this online application form.
Notification of commencement of a gaming activity
Notify NSW Fair Trading at least 10 days before commencement of your gaming activity. Use this form and this rules template, then send your completed form and rules template to
Changes to a gaming activity
You must notify participants of any changes to the gaming activity or rules.
Download and complete this form and send it to
Changes to a gaming authority
You must inform NSW Fair Trading of any changes of details for the community gaming authority holder or nominated contact person.
Download and complete this form and send it to
NSW Fair Trading Community gaming
Have a question about a community gaming activity?
You can contact NSW Fair Trading.