Government Radio Network (GRN) Performance
The Board noted that the Government Radio Network’s (GRN) performance continues to meet or exceed availability service levels. It noted that the Sir Ivan fire damaged a communications compound, and although the site was taken offline due to extreme heat and smoke damage, the GRN network manager brought the site back online within 48 hours.
Critical Communications Enhancement Program
The Board noted the positive progress of the CCEP Pilot project in north-western NSW, and
the Authority’s intention to seek funding for statewide rollout over the next four years. The Board noted similarly positive progress on the statewide audits and preliminary design.
Policy issues
The Board noted that public safety mobile broadband (PSMB) remained a central policy issue, and that the Commonwealth Government auctioned the 700MHz spectrum band in April 2017. The Board also noted the Authority’s continued participation at meetings of the State Emergency Management Committee, the Australia & New Zealand Emergency Management Committee, and the Australia & New Zealand Counter-Terrorism Committee.
Stakeholder engagement
The Board noted that the Authority’s engagement with other agencies, on likely impacts of transitioning to the new shared network to be created by the CCEP, had been crucial to securing understanding and support for the Authority’s programs, especially statewide CCEP rollout. The Board also noted that engagement with the local government sector had progressed well.
Sector governance
The Board noted that the Authority continued to implement the Government’s Operational Communications Strategy’s governance arrangements, including meetings of the Commissioner’s Advisory Council, Investment & Strategy Forum, and Technology Planning & Review Group.
Emergency management
The Board noted that the Authority continued to coordinate the telecommunications response to emergencies in February and March 2017. From 10 February 2017, a major bushfire in the Warrumbungle Shire in the Central West threatened lives, residential property and infrastructure. A bushfire near Queanbeyan also threatened a carrier’s exchange and a mobile phone tower.
Rod Gilmour, Chairperson
NSW Telco Authority
April 2017