The NSW Greyhound Welfare Code of Practice will set out expectations for animal welfare in the greyhound industry.
This includes standards for:
- the keeping, treatment, handling and care of greyhounds
- the facilities, equipment and conditions at premises where greyhounds are kept, trialled, trained and raced
- the procedures and practices to be adopted for keeping, trialling, training and racing greyhounds.
The code has been developed by the Greyhound Welfare & Integrity Commission. It includes feedback from Greyhound Racing NSW, the Greyhound Breeders Owners & Trainers’ Association, the NSW Greyhound Industry Animal Welfare Committee, the RSCPA, the NSW Department of Primary Industries and a period of public consultation.
Minister for Better Regulation, Kevin Anderson said this is a significant turning point for NSW’s greyhound racing industry.
“As a result of the code, NSW will now be leading Australia, if not the world, in providing standards for the protection of greyhounds that reflect public expectations,” Mr Anderson said.
Public and industry stakeholders will have the opportunity to have their say on how the Greyhound Racing Act 2017 is working during a public consultation between 8 July to 26 August 2020.
Find out more about the Greyhound Welfare Code of Practice