The first level of the 17-storey Arthur Phillip High School opened this week, allowing students and the school community the unique opportunity to experience the innovative learning environment.
Once it opens, the high school will be able to accommodate 2000 high school students.
The new school will offer:
- flexible and well-connected teaching and learning spaces
- spaces that are engaging and supportive for students and teachers
- technology-rich settings that are mobile and flexible
- a healthy and environmentally sustainable environment
- innovative, connected outdoor spaces that enable play and collaborative learning.
Minister for Education Sarah Mitchell said the level reveal was a fantastic opportunity for the school community to get a taste of the unique 17-storey school for the first time.
“The school community have been able to get a first-hand opportunity to experience how the innovative learning environment will operate here at Arthur Phillip,” Ms Mitchell said.
Find out more about the Arthur Phillip High School redevelopment