The NSW Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (BDM) has compiled the top 10 baby names for 2019.
Top baby names 2019
Position | Boys | Girls |
1 | Oliver | Charlotte |
2 | Noah | Olivia |
3 | William | Mia |
4 | Jack | Amelia |
5 | Leo | Isla |
6 | Lucas | Ava |
7 | Henry | Chloe |
8 | Thomas | Grace |
9 | James | Sophia |
10 | Ethan | Ella |
Oliver came out on top for the sixth year in a row, followed by Noah and William. Charlotte is on top for the third year running in the girls category, narrowly ahead of Olivia and Mia.
BDM data shows middle name trends have been much more stable, with James, John and William having been the top choices for boys for the past 40 years. For girls, Rose and Grace are popular choices, replacing Louise and Jane in the 80s and 90s.
Attorney General Mark Speakman said while the most popular first names have been broadly consistent in the past few years, the number of people using the top names has fallen dramatically compared with a few decades ago.
“Choosing a name is always a very special moment, with modern parents often opting for more unique names for their children or altering the spelling of common names to make them stand out,” Mr Speakman said.
Parents have 60 days to register their newborn, a process which is free and can be completed online. This establishes the child’s legal identity in the community and is important in accessing government services such as schooling and Medicare.
A final list of the top 100 baby names will be published on the BDM website in April 2020.
Find out more about popular NSW baby names.