These areas will now be managed and protected for conservation:
- Part of Carrai State Forest (2080 hectares) joins Willi Willi National Park
- Yarrawa State Forest (120.6 hectares) becomes part of Budderoo National Park
- Part of Mernot State Forest (1144 hectares) joins Curracubundi State Conservation Area
- Yango State Forest (647.5 hectares) becomes a new Yango State Conservation Area
- Muldiva State Forest (513 hectares) gains protection under Part 11 of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974.
This is the latest step in the NSW Government’s plan to add 43,000 hectares of land to the national park network. The plan also includes creating 24,000 hectares of new koala parks under the NSW Koala Strategy and protecting 14,200 hectares of state forest as flora reserves.
In total, seven million hectares of NSW national parks will now be protected, preserving crucial ecosystems for future generations.
Environment Minister Gabrielle Upton said the government is proud of its environmental strategy and ongoing commitment to conservation.
“We do it smartly, we do it uniquely, and of course the benefits of these new parks and reserves do not stop with the native fauna and flora that reside within them,” Ms Upton said.
“Our national parks are a boon to local economies, bringing in valuable tourist dollars and providing local employment opportunities.”
Find out more about NSW national parks.