Minister for Families and Communities and Minister for Disability Inclusion
Kate Washington

To send a message to the Minister, please complete the online form.
Your correspondence will be addressed as soon as possible. Please refer to our correspondence policy for more information.
Report a Child at Risk
To report a child at risk, please contact the Child Protection Helpline 132 111.
Child Protection Complaints
Please be aware that the Minister's Office cannot intervene in child protection matters before the Court.
If you would like to make a complaint regarding a child protection matter, please visit the Child protection complaint handling page.
Alternatively, you can contact your local Community Services Centre to make a complaint.
National Disability Insurance Scheme
The National Disability Insurance Scheme is managed and operated by the Commonwealth Government.
To make a complaint regarding the NDIS, call 1800 800 110 or visit the NDIS Contact and feedback form.
Alternatively, you can lodge a complaint to the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission by calling 1800 035 544 or visiting How to make a complaint.