Resilient Homes Program

The Resilient Homes Program is providing assistance to homeowners to improve the flood-resilience of residential properties in the Northern Rivers.

A house on stilts.

Need help? You're not alone.

Recovery is a long and difficult process. Each person and community progress through their recovery at different speeds. Support services can be found on the Healthy North Coast wesbite

Should you require free, confidential one to one support, please contact Lifeline: 24 hour support is available on 13 11 14, text 0477 13 11 14 or chat online.

If you have been affected by floods, Recovery Support Services (RSS) (PDF 216.57KB) are available to you. You will be linked with a recovery support worker who can help you access disaster assistance packages. Support in your region can be found in the Flood Recovery Support fact sheets. 

On this page

Program criteria

How homes are prioritised

Homeowners will be assessed against eligibility and risk criteria under the Resilient Homes Program.

The flood mapping and analysis indicates specific areas across the Northern Rivers which pose the greatest risk to life in most floods. This information together with other criteria in the Resilient Homes Program Guideline is used to prioritise homes. 


Who can apply

The following eligibility criteria must be met: 

  • the applicant must be the registered homeowner (owner-occupied or landlord) of a residential dwelling in the Ballina, Byron, Clarence Valley, Kyogle, Lismore, Richmond Valley or Tweed LGAs currently and immediately prior to the flood event (22 February 2022), and 
  • the residential dwelling was directly damaged by either flood waters in the Flood Event or landslip caused by the flood event, and  
  • the residential dwelling: 
    • was used primarily for residential accommodation
    • was not a moveable dwelling (other than a manufactured home that is privately owned by an individual)
    • was not a tourist and visitor accommodation, and
    • is not operated for commercial or business purposes where the use is not for housing (for example, a caravan park, hotel, motel).

To qualify for assistance, the homeowner or the residential dwelling must also meet at least one of the following risk criteria: 

  • Home Buyback stream – the residence is classified under the Resilient Homes Program as being at ‘severe risk’ or a decision is made that the homeowner should qualify because of ‘individual circumstance and exceptional circumstances’ (through an appeals claim), or
  • Home Raising stream – the residence is classified under the Resilient Homes Program as being at ‘moderate risk’ or a decision is made that the homeowner should qualify because of ‘individual circumstance and exceptional circumstances’ (through an appeals claim)
  • Home Retrofit stream – the residence is classified under the Resilient Homes Program as being at 'moderate risk’ or a decision is made that the homeowner should qualify because of ‘individual and exceptional circumstances’(through an appeals claim).

For more information on individual and exceptional circumstances see our Fact Sheet and the Resilient Homes Program Guideline.

Properties and locations not prioritised for the Resilient Homes Program

The criteria used to determine properties and locations that are not prioritised for this program are:

  • properties that are not located within the seven affected local government areas in the Northern Rivers
  • property’s primary purpose is business, commercial, primary producing
  • caravan parks
  • properties over 5 hectares (only relevant for the Home Buyback Stream)
  • properties valued over two million dollars (only relevant for the Home Buyback Stream).  
Prioritisation review

In 2023, as part of a recovery reset and after feedback from the community, the Reconstruction Authority established an expert Peer Review Panel to review the original prioritisation approach for the Resilient Homes Program. This approach was developed by floodplain management and economic specialists and used the most recent flood information available at the time.

The independent Peer Review Panel included:

  • Steven Molino, Director, Water Technology Pty Ltd
  • Andrew Gissing, Chief Executive Officer, Natural Hazards Research Australia
  • Professor Seth Westra, Director, University of Adelaide Water Research Centre.

The expert panel undertook their review in late 2023, and the full report detailing their findings can be found here (PDF 547.03KB).

Overall, the Panel found that:

  • the Resilient Homes Program is using the best available flood and floor level data
  • the risk assessment methodology is logical and generally aligned with recommended risk assessment principles
  • the methodology identifies homes for buyback that have the greatest physical risk to buildings and their occupants
  • the methodology identifies homes that would benefit from raising or retrofits.

The Panel identified 25 specific recommendations in their report to help improve the risk assessment, prioritisation process and reporting for the Resilient Homes Program. These include:

  • further analysis to identify whether factors such as flood timing, overland flow and flash flooding, warning availability and climate change would change prioritisation
  • further analysis to identify if house raising will increase risk to life and property in some locations, and measures to avoid house raising in these areas
  • better documenting the reasoning behind particular decisions
  • more clearly explaining eligibility for the program streams (i.e. Home Buyback, Home Raising and Home Retrofit)
  • establishing a framework to continuously monitor and evaluate the program’s implementation
  • develop principles to ensure Resilient Homes Program continues to be based on best available information.

The report also noted that vulnerability is an important factor and should continue to be considered on a case by case basis.

The NSW Reconstruction Authority has committed to accepting all recommendations of the report and to immediately broaden the eligibility criteria for the Resilient Homes Program.

Individual circumstances such as social vulnerability, will now be considered at the begining alongside the flood risk, using the criteria in line with the Appeal Policy process. This change will support vulnerable homeowners who are experiencing exceptional circumstances. It also aims to reduce the fragmented nature of buybacks in some locations.

Homeowners who are dissatisfied with a Resilient Homes Program decision can request an internal review or lodge an appeal. Information about this process can be found here.

The application process

What information is asked for in your application

The Resilient Homes Program commenced customer outreach from November 2022. 

From Monday 4 September 2023 if you apply for the Flood Property Assessment Program (FPAP) or Disaster Relief Grant (DRG) and have not applied for the Resilient Homes Program, you will need to complete a separate registration for the Resilient Homes Program.  

If you were engaged in the FPAP or DRG programs before Monday 4 September 2023 you will be contacted automatically and do not need to complete a registration for the Resilient Homes Program. 

Please note your eligibility under the Resilient Homes Program is not affected by your participation in the Flood Property Assessment Program. 






A member of our team will contact you to discuss what’s involved and connect you with a case manager if you need one. They will talk to you about your property that was damaged by the February and March 2022 flood event.


Information collection

If you have started an application form but need assistance in completing it, including uploading documents, our Resilient Homes Program team can help you do this. You can make an appointment or drop into one of our pop-up locations or call us on 1800 844 085.

Please compile these supporting documents to attach to the form: 

  • photo ID for each homeowner (for sighting)
  • evidence of name changes since you purchased the property, if relevant.
  • insurance policies from the time of the flood, if relevant
  • copies of leases or tenancy agreements, if relevant
  • photos of the property before and after the flood
  • receipts for any renovations or repairs done after the flood

Note: As part of the application process, the NSW Reconstruction Authority will store and protect personal information until no longer required, and may share information with partner agencies as part of the course and delivery of work.

The NSW Reconstruction Authority and NSW Government agencies must comply with the Privacy and Personal Information Act 1998 and Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002, which regulate the storage, use and disclosure of personal information held by Government Agencies.

Start the application       
Start the application

After the application is submitted

Once you have submitted your application, the NSW Reconstruction Authority (RA) will review your application and contact you through your preferred contact method with the outcome of your prioritisation.

Assessment process

Indicatively prioritised homeowners will be contacted by RA who will engage with homeowners at various stages of the assessment process and: 

  • advise what their indicative prioritisation is, i.e. Home Buyback, Home Raising or Home Retrofit
  • advise what the assessment process considers
  • take this opportunity to gather any additional information that the homeowner may not have submitted at the time of their application
  • arrange an appointment for a home visit to undertake an inspection at the homeowner’s property/s if required.  

Valuation assessment – Home Buyback stream

A home visit will facilitate a home valuation by an independent valuer appointed by RA (if the property may be suitable for the Home Buyback stream).

RA will attend alongside a valuer. At this time required identification checks will be completed.

A valuation is another form of assessment and does not guarantee a Home Buyback offer. However, a valuation is required to inform the letter of offer.

Note: A home visit may not be required for homeowners who have already received a Home Assessment under the Flood Property Assessment Program (FPAP) or Disaster Relief Grant (DRG). The information compiled in these assessments is provided to the RA for consideration.

Home Assessment – Home Raising or Home Retrofit streams 

A home visit will take place to undertake a Home Assessment by representatives from RA (to determine if the property may be suitable for either the Home Raising or Home Retrofit stream). 

A Home Assessment Report will help identify opportunities to increase your property’s flood resilience and reduce the impact of future flood events. In the Home Assessment Report, you will find information on the:

  • options that may be suitable for your home 
  • flood resilience strategies and floor levels for your home
  • next steps and contact details for further assistance.

Outcome advised

Assessments will be reviewed and approved by the Resilient Homes Program Approval Panel prior to the homeowner receiving an offer.

Prioritised homeowners will receive an offer for either:

  1. Home Buyback stream – a buyback of the property whereby the homeowner receives a payment for the purchase of the property, or 
  2. Home Raising stream (PDF 100.28KB) – a provision of a grant payment up to the value of $100,000 (GST inclusive) towards the cost of elevating the liveable areas of the residence and associated consequential works, or 
  3. Home Retrofit stream (PDF 100.28KB) – a provision of a grant payment up to the value of $50,000 (GST inclusive) towards the cost of retrofitting and/or repair work of on the residential dwelling to incorporate flood resilient design and materials in eligible areas.  

Under the Home Raising and Home Retrofit streams homeowners are also able to opt-in to a co-contribution arrangement with RA if the cost estimate of works is more than the grant value.  In this scenario, the RA will match financial contributions provided by the homeowner (co-contribution) up to a maximum 100 per cent of the available grant value.

Seeking an internal review or appeal

Homeowners who are dissatisfied with a Resilient Homes Program decision can request an internal review or an appeal.

This must be done within 90 days of receiving written notice of the decision, or, if a homeowner is submitting an appeal following an internal review, this must be submitted within 30 days of receiving written notice of the internal review decision.

Responding to an offer

Once the offer is made, a homeowner has 90 days to consider their offer. Homeowners will then have the following options:

Accept the offer

  • Homeowners must sign and return an accepted signed letter of offer and any other paperwork.
  • Acceptance will activate the process of agreeing a contract for the applicable stream (i.e., a contract for sale of the property under the Home Buyback stream, or funding for a grant payment under the Home Raising stream or the Home Retrofit stream, plus any other documents which are needed).  The Scope of Works Agreements/Purchase Contract will set out the scope of works (if applicable) and the terms and conditions under which the funding for a grant payment will be provided.

Reject the offer

  • Homeowners must sign and return a rejected letter of offer.
  • Rejection of an offer is not legally binding.

Note: Not returning a letter of offer after 90 days is automatically deemed as a rejected offer as per the provisions outlined in the letter of offer.

Request an internal review OR appeal Decision 2, 3 or 4

For more information please visit the internal review and appeals page .

Request an extension to consider their offer

  • Homeowners must provide in writing extenuating circumstances as to why 90 days was not sufficient time to consider their letter of offer. (This must be approved by an executive).
  • Seeking an internal review or appeal is not grounds for an extension.

Internal review and appeals

Homeowners who are dissatisfied with a Resilient Homes Program decision can request an internal review or lodge an appeal. 

This must be done within 90 days of receiving written notice of that decision, or, if a homeowner is submitting an appeal following an internal review, this must be submitted within 30 days of receiving writing notice of the internal review decision.

Visit Internal review and appeals

Large lots and landslides  

Homeowners on large lots greater than 2 hectares or who have homes that are not habitable due to a landslide during the 2022 floods, may be eligible for one of the below grants under the Resilient Homes Program: 

  • Retreat Grant – up to $600,000 (based on the value of the primary dwelling)
  • Relocation Grant – up to $100,000 towards the relocation of the home to safer land, or off the property. 
  • Home Raising and Home Retrofit streams - where the home is located in a mapped priority level 4 homeowners will be progressed under this stream. 

Please refer to the Large Lot Policy (PDF 128.26KB). Landslide Policy (PDF 146.91KB)  and the Large Lot Frequently Asked Questions (PDF 149.14KB) for further information, and to the flood mapping and analysis information on priority levels.

The Resilient Homes Program Guideline (PDF 240.63KB) specifies additional criteria that may apply to be eligible. For example, it includes that dwellings must be lawfully constructed and the home must have been impacted during the 2022 floods.

Retreat Grant 

The Retreat Grant provides funding assistance for eligible homeowners affected by landslide in the 2022 floods or where the home is in a high-risk (priority level 1 or 2) flood area.  

The Retreat Grant is designed to support residents to move to a safer location in a lower flood and landslide risk area, while maintaining use of valuable rural and agricultural land.  The primary dwelling, and any other residential dwelling within the high-risk area, must be demolished or otherwise removed from the property. 

The Retreat Grant is available to: 

  • properties where the home (primary dwelling) was affected by the flood (damaged or destroyed), is located in a mapped priority level area 1 or 2, and where relocation is not feasible
  • landslide affected properties, where the home (primary dwelling) was destroyed by landslide in the flood, or where the home is not safe to live in because of the landslide.  

As the flood and landslide risk may vary across a large lot, funding for homes on large lots is guided by the priority level at the location of the home on the property and will be considered on a case-by-case basis. 

The Retreat Grant is calculated on the value of the residence as at 21 February 2022 (immediately prior to the flood) and is capped at $600,000 (including GST).

An independent assessment will be undertaken to determine the value of the primary dwelling on the property.  

Relocation Grant

The relocation of a home is an option on all prioritised large lot properties (except where the home was destroyed). The feasibility of relocation includes consideration of building type, availability of low flood risk land, homeowner circumstances and development consent requirement. 

Relocation costs will be compensated up to $100,000 (including GST). Where the cost estimate is more than the available grant value, the RA will match financial contributions provided by the homeowner (co-contribution) up to a maximum of 100 percent of the available grant value, to a maximum payment of $200,000 including GST.  

Eligible activities and costs are listed in the Resilient Homes Program Guideline (PDF 240.63KB).  

Home Raising and Home Retrofit streams

A large lot property may be assessed for the Home Raising and Home Retrofit streams where the home is location in a priority level 4 area.  

Refer to the Home Raising and Home Retrofit fact sheet (PDF 129.52KB) for general information and the RHP Guideline (PDF 240.63KB) for information on eligibility advice and activities under this stream.

Please see the Large Lot and Landslide Frequently Asked Questions document (PDF 149.14KB) for more information. 

Relocation and Gifting

The relocation and re-use of homes has many benefits including:

  • sustainable reuse of homes and reduces waste
  • cost-effective housing solution for recipients
  • maintains a connection to the homes and communities; 
  • much faster to relocate to land than to build new
  • maintains regional housing stock
  • preserves the built heritage of the Northern Rivers.

Home relocation

Home buyback participants have the choice to relocate their home to a flood resilient location. The following is a list of things to consider when deciding to relocate a home. 

Please also see the Home Relocation fact sheet (PDF 93.71KB) for more information.


  • Determining if the home is suitable for relocation
  • Choosing the right land and transport route
  • Budget  
  • Approvals and documentation required 
  • Remediation and make safe works
  • Resources

1. Determining if the home is suitable for relocation

To determine whether relocation is a suitable option for your home it is important that the following preliminary steps are undertaken.

  • Engineering report to be undertaken to determine if existing home is suitable for relocation. This should include: 
    • an assessment of the wiring to understand if rewiring is necessary 
    • a structural assessment of the house
    • asbestos assessment
    • each component of the report should be undertaken by a professional certifier
    • any heritage requirements.

2. Choosing the right land and transport route

  • Land purchased as part of the Resilient Lands Program will ensure: 
    • a building entitlement
    • out of risk of flooding
    • provision of services that would typically be delivered for residential land.
  • If not Resilient Lands Program land, check with your solicitor that the land meets the above three points. Also see the Home Relocation fact sheet (PDF 93.71KB).
  • Check if the land is suitable for your home – key considerations include size, elevation, slope, bush fire and applicable regulations.
  • The transport route will be assessed by a home relocation company.
  • Schedule a pre-development meeting with council’s duty planner to discuss approvals, due diligence etc. If the relocation is outside your current LGA, engage with councils of both current location and future planned location.

3. Determining whether home relocation is within your budget 

  • Develop a working budget based off relocation estimate from your relocation contractor, quotes from other contractors/trades, fees for any applications, refit and refurbishment.
  • Speak to your financier regarding mortgage portability if required.
  • For those in the Lismore Local Government Area (LGA), the Lismore Housing Grant Program provides grants of $15,000 to eligible owner occupiers of a flood affected house in Lismore LGA who want to relocate their existing house to another site within the LGA (provided they do not own any other residential property). 

4. Approvals and documentation required (may vary from property to property)

  • Participants need to submit a Development Application (DA) for the removal of the house and a DA for the setup of the house on the new land. This can also be done through a representative, generally a planning consultant.
  • RA may require a Construction Works Access Licence (CWAL) for access to prepare the property for relocation.

5. Remediation/make safe works

  • Upon removal of the home, the property must be promptly remediated and left in a suitable condition by the homeowner. For example, it must be:
    • ‘Clean and tidy’: it must be clear of debris and rubbish, and loose or proud materials (e.g. steel or concrete piles, or steel reinforcement) must be removed. Flat, in situ concrete slabs may remain.
    • ‘Safe and secure’: services such as gas, electricity and water must be made safe, and any excavations on the property caused by the removal of the home must be backfilled.

6. Resources

Home gifting

If a buyback homeowner chooses not to relocate their home, they can gift the home to someone else who can relocate it for residential use.

‘Gifting’ means that a buyback homeowner can transfer ownership of the home structure to the recipient for $0 (for free).

If the gifting proposal is approved by RA, the sale contract will be amended to allow for gifting.

The recipient will be asked to provide a Deed Poll to RA.

The recipient is responsible for all stages of the relocation process.  Approval may be required to remove and transport the home, and then to re-install it at the final proposed location.

Please see these fact sheets for more information:

Home Removal, Reuse and Recycling

After buyback homes are purchased, they will be progressively removed from high flood risk areas. The removal approach for each home will be informed by a structural risk assessment.  

RA is committed to circular economy principles, to achieving the highest quality re-use and recycling for home buybacks - preventing valuable materials going to landfill.

We support the relocation of homes to safer locations, if they are structurally able to be moved. Please see Resilient Lands Program page for land release locations and our Relocation Fact Sheet (PDF 93.71KB).

Removal of buyback homes

Homes that are not able to be relocated, will be identified for demolition, adopting deconstruction practices to maximise removal, recycling and reuse of materials.

RA has commenced the removal of the first round of homes that are structurally compromised, severely dilapidated and not viable for relocation. Where safe to do so, materials from these homes will be salvaged and recycled.

Notifications will be issued to neighbours to provide information on planned works, commencement dates and estimated duration of works.  

TCDE Asbestos and Demolition has been selected to complete works, supported by NSW Public Works.  Representatives from SafeWork NSW and the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) have been consulted during the development of this program and may undertake inspections throughout the program to ensure safety and environmental regulations are complied with.

Please see Frequently Asked Questions (PDF 92.88KB)

Future land use

RA will work with stakeholders including local councils and community on the future use of the buyback land once homes are removed. 

The overarching goal is to achieve the best possible outcome for each Resilient Homes Program buyback home and site and to manage this process in a way that supports community recovery.

Occupancy arrangement 

In recognition of the challenges faced by property owners in the Northern Rivers, the RA is providing an occupancy arrangement, in certain circumstances.

For homeowners

Homeowners undergoing a buyback under the Resilient Homes Program may be eligible to enter into an occupancy arrangement.

This arrangement will allow homeowners who meet certain eligibility criteria to legally occupy the home, following settlement, for a period of up to 12 months.

Homeowners should contact the Resilient Homes Program team on 1800 844 085 or and refer to the factsheet (PDF 272.74KB) for further information. 

For tenants/other occupants

Tenants or other occupants of a Home Buyback property may also be eligible for an occupancy arrangement if they meet certain eligibility criteria, for a period of up to 6 months.

Tenants can contact the Resilient Homes Program team on 1800 844 085 or and refer to the factsheet (PDF 272.74KB) for further information and to confirm eligibility requirements.

Information for tenants

If you are a tenant living in a home that is prioritised for a Home Buyback under the Resilient Homes Program, information for tenants is available.

Support and contact 

For assistance, contact one of our customer team members via email or phone 1800 844 085. You can also visit one of our pop-up locations.

Complaints process

The RA will ensure complaints are promptly and properly dealt with.

We are committed to responding to external complaints fairly, efficiently and effectively. Our external complaint management system is designed to:

  • enable RA to respond to issues raised by people making complaints in a timely and effective way
  • strengthen accountability
  • enhance public confidence in our administrative processes
  • provide information that can be used by NSW Reconstruction Authority to deliver quality improvements in our services.

Please contact us to make a complaint.

Links and documents

Home Buyback stream

Home Raising and Home Retrofit streams


Supporting materials

Exploring options and determining scope of works

Last updated:
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