Enquire about unsolicited proposals

Contact the NSW Government about the unsolicited proposals process, case studies, reports or resources. 

Before you make an enquiry

The Unsolicited Proposals Guide for Submissions and Assessment (PDF 796.16KB) covers:

  • how unsolicited proposals are assessed
  • key criteria including uniqueness, value for money and alignment with whole of government objectives
  • the four-stage assessment process
  • roles and responsibilities. 

Please check the guide before making an enquiry. 

Is your enquiry related to selling your product or service to the NSW Government?

If yes, please see the guide to selling to government and other businesses and visit Buy NSW

If no or you’re unsure, please complete the form below.

Contact us

Your details

Your enquiry

The unsolicited proposals process is not a substitute for government procurement processes. For an unsolicited proposal to be approved, the NSW Government is looking for proposals that address a number of eligibility criteria, including uniqueness. See the Unsolicited Proposals Guide for Submissions and Assessment (PDF 796.16KB).

Terms and conditions

Privacy Collection Notice

This form collects personal information. Please read the privacy collection notice for more information about how we handle your information.   

The Investment NSW (we, us) is collecting your personal information (your information) through this form.

Why are we collecting your information?

We are collecting your information to enquiring about unsolicited proposals.

How will we share your information?

We will not share your information with anyone else unless you give your consent, or the law requires or allows us to do so.  

Are you required by law to give us your information?

You are not required by law to give us your information, but if you choose not to, we may not be able to enquiring about unsolicited proposals.

Your right to access and correct your information

To access or correct your information, please contact:

The Cabinet Office's Information and Privacy Unit (IAPU) - Supporting the Premier's Department

GPO Box 5341
Sydney NSW 2001


Further information

This form is hosted on the nsw.gov.au website managed by the Department of Customer Service.  For more details on how your information is handled on the nsw.gov.au website, please refer to the Privacy statement | NSW Government.

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