The report was compiled by the Department of Customer Service in partnership with an independent market research agency. It includes insights from more than 550 customer interactions across 37 government services, with feedback collected from 30,000 individual and business customers annually.
It focuses on how customers experience government services across three key measures - ease of interacting with the service, satisfaction with the experience and trust that the service is working in the best interests of the customer.
Department of Customer Service Deputy Secretary of Customer, Delivery and Transformation William Murphy said the NSW Government was committed to ensuring the customer voice was part of the conversation for decision making into the future.
“People interact with government services on a daily basis whether that be attending a hospital or school, applying for a driver licence or starting a business,” Mr Murphy said.
“We can’t deliver effective customer solutions without our customers being involved in the process - our State of the Customer report gives us insight into what we need to improve to achieve a seamless experience for the people of NSW and to ensure that as a modern government, we are listening.”
Mr Murphy said the report found 77 per cent of those surveyed found it easy to interact with NSW Government services, 75 per cent were satisfied with their experience and 73 per cent trust services are working in their best interests.
“The results are good but they also highlight where we have some work to do. We want to ensure we do it together with our customers, using insights to inform decisions,” Mr Murphy said.
“The pandemic and flood events of the past two years have greatly refined how we use data and customer insights across government to achieve better customer outcomes.
“This report shows that we are at the cutting edge of taking private sector concepts of customer centred services and implementing them in a public sector context.
“We are working to develop solutions to deliver better experiences for customers. One of the key themes of the report was that people want to give the government their input but they do not know how. This is what we need to improve.
“As a government we are committed to improving the customer journey and cater for all customer needs. This report and those to come will provide us with the information to ensure we can continue our journey in the right direction.”
To read the full report visit the NSW Government website.