NSW Government Chief Information and Digital Officer Greg Wells said Future.NSW would bring together government, industry and academia to discuss how innovations such as digital identity, cyber security and Artificial Intelligence (AI) could shape the future of government and support the needs of people across the State.
“Technology is constantly changing and evolving and it is vital we learn to harness its power to deliver smarter, faster and easier services to support the people of NSW into the future,” Mr Wells said.
“Through digital transformation projects as part of the Digital Restart Fund and the Beyond Digital Strategy, the NSW Government is already leading the nation in delivering customer-centric digital outcomes but these solutions are not set-and-forget.
“Whether it is sensors to capture real-time kerb usage data, or the integration of digital products such as the Digital Drivers Licence, Future.NSW is an opportunity to work together to explore how different technologies can deliver more efficient and accessible services.”
Future.NSW feature speakers include the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government Victor Dominello, NSW Department of Customer Service Secretary Emma Hogan, Chief Information and Digital Officer Greg Wells, as well as representatives from across industry.
NSW Chief Data Scientist Dr Ian Oppermann said partnership and collaboration were key in planning a strong, digital government of the future.
“Future.NSW will showcase ground-breaking developments in the digital space,” Dr Oppermann said.
“Guests can expect to see live demonstrations of virtual reality technologies, learn more about the virtual world of the metaverse and plan the cities of the future with just the click of a button.”
The Future.NSW event will take place on May 2 online and at the ICC in Sydney.
For more information about Future.NSW and to register visit the Future.NSW web page.